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Social Gathering

Experienced Change Catalysts Providing Independent Economic and Community Development Services and Support to Local Authorities, Businesses and Community Groups

We are here to help you make things happen


Pentuple Consulting is a small, independent economic and community development consultancy, serving as a catalyst for positive change on behalf of local authorities, other public bodies, small and  medium sized businesses, local community organisations and groups. We offer tailored expertise and flexible support at highly competitive rates.


We undertake short term and interim assignments and deliver commissioned projects directly for clients. We also provide specialist support as a Sub-Consultant and Associate, particularly on assignments with the public sector involving collaboration with the private sector and working with local communities.


Our expertise is borne out of many years working at a senior level within all three tiers of local government as well as independent consultants. We have a proven track record of bringing about meaningful change that has enabled people, places, businesses and local communities to thrive and grow, made local economies stronger and the environment a healthier place to live.


We specialise in facilitating real and lasting change in areas relating to:


  • Economic & community development.


  • Regeneration of places & communities.


  • Urban healthy living & the impact of air pollution exposure on people's health.


  • Uptake of technology-enabled tools & services by the public sector to improve policy making and delivery of services.


  • Urban planning & active travel.


  • Transitioning to a low carbon economy.


  • Design, funding & delivery of health and social care services.


We adopt a pragmatic and realistic approach to each assignment, focussing on those things that can be directly changed and influenced. We take the time to make sure we understand the needs of each client and what they wish to achieve, so we are able to offer the right services and support.


We are experienced change catalysts. We empower and enable our clients to get their ideas off the ground and turn strategic goals into successful projects. In many cases, clients may have a solution in mind, or at least a sense of direction they wish to travel. We provide the specific expertise, fresh insight or just an extra pair of hands to help make it happen and deliver change.


We have developed our offer around a seven step approach to managing the change process life cycle. We offer clients a structured and pragmatic approach to delivering change; whether that is helping them achieve a better understanding of the need for change, finding the best solution to an important issue or enabling them to act on putting their own solutions into practice.


Our services cover all seven steps in the change process life cycle. We provide bespoke support to meet the specific needs of each individual client, whether that encompasses the whole change process from start to finish or just specific steps, including:


  • Undertaking research, analysis and consultation to achieve a better understanding of the need for change;


  • Building a partnership for change to achieve consensus on the need for change and secure commitment to making change happen;


  • Preparing policies, strategies and plans to set the context for change and define the steps needed to achieve it;


  • Designing and developing projects to transform strategic goals into successful solutions;


  • Putting funding proposal together and writing bids to secure project grant funding to enable change;


  • Providing project oversight, coordination and delivery support to enable and empower clients to act on putting their own solutions into practice;


  • Conducting evaluation exercises to assess the results and impact of an intervention and consolidate what has been learnt from any change.

  • Project Management: providing practical ‘hands-on’ management, coordination and delivery support from project initiation, design, development and appraisal, through to completion, evaluation and review.


  • Strategic Management: providing the link between strategic issues, strategy responses and service delivery as well as directly preparing strategies, action plans, policy briefings and reviews, vision papers, feasibility studies, business cases and undertaking visioning and scenario planning exercises.


  • Securing Funding: developing funding proposals on behalf of local authorities, businesses and community groups, including bid writing, consortia building, managing the bidding process and any post-award delivery arrangements.


  • Evidence Building: undertaking primary & secondary research and analysis, stakeholder and 'end-user' engagement, community consultation, .


  • Partnership Building: building effective working relationships across internal and external stakeholders on complex strategic policy matters at the local, sub-regional and trans-national level, facilitating public sector development partnerships and enabling effective cross-sector cooperation and collaboration.


  • Community Capacity Building: helping to find out what is important to people in the community, helping them find the best solutions to achieve their goals and then helping them put their own solutions in to practice.


  • Critical Friend: providing an informed and objective external perspective on key issues, such as policy and strategy reviews, strengthening funding proposals, providing independent assessor and evaluator services for public sector funding programmes.

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