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Engaging stakeholders early and throughout the change process is essential to delivering change that makes a real and lasting difference on the ground.

Reaching consensus amongst key stakeholders on the need for and the direction of change will go a long way to securing strong commitment to make it happen. It will help ensure all the key players in the process are receptive to change and make it more likely that an agreed solution can be found and delivered in practice.

Building a consensus, or ‘buy-in’, can also help bring about the formation of a strong ‘change partnership’, with that the ability to define clear roles and responsibilities and help ensure the right people are in place to help lead the process of change.

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Meaningful Engagement and Partnership Working

Meaningful engagement will help break down cultural barriers between sectors, help unlock potential delivery barriers and help develop new working relationships, find new ways of working, help pool resources and expertise and promote knowledge exchange and mutual learning.

We are very experienced in stakeholder engagement, partnership working and establishing strong ‘change’ partnerships. We know how to manage the interface between the public sector, businesses and local communities. We understand their needs, priorities and the challenges they face. We know how to break down cultural barriers between sectors, manage competing interests sensitively, develop new working relationships, find new ways of working, help pool resources and expertise and promote knowledge exchange and mutual learning.

Adopting a creative and dynamic approach to engaging partners, stakeholders and potential beneficiaries is essential to building a consensus on the need, nature and direction of change. Meaningful engagement on a one-to-one and group basis, will help develop a shared vision for change and secure agreement on the guiding principles on which to take that change forward. It involves listening closely to the opinions, ideas and concerns of partners, stakeholders and potential beneficiaries. It also involves managing a complex matrix of relationships and aligning them towards the objectives behind a particular change.

How We Can Help You: Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership Building


We have a strong commitment to partnership working. Facilitating cross-sector collaborations, developing effective ‘change’ partnerships, securing ‘buy-in’ and empowering others to work more effectively together is a hallmark of Pentuple Consulting’s approach. We are experienced in influencing and engaging with colleagues, partners, customers and potential beneficiaries at all levels within complex strategic planning or politically sensitive situations to achieve consensus on the need for change and secure commitment to making it happen.

We adopt a creative and dynamic approach to engagement and partnership working. This is essential when looking to build a consensus on the need, nature and direction of any desired change, develop a shared vision of what that change should look like, secure agreement on the guiding principles on which to take that change forward and bring about the formation of a strong ‘change partnership’.

We have in-depth knowledge and practical experience of managing the interface between the public sector, businesses and local communities. We understand their needs, priorities and the challenges they face and how they work, think and speak. We know how to break down cultural barriers between sectors, manage competing interests sensitively, how to get the right people to work together, how to encourage the pooling of resources and expertise and the sharing of risk to achieve a common desired change.

We have a strong track record of building a wide range of effective collaborations and championing innovative approaches to partnership working at the neighbourhood, community, town/city, sub-regional, cross-regional and trans-national level. This includes establishing and coordinating small community-led forums and partnerships through to complex, high performing multi-agency partnerships and ‘triple-helix’ consortia at a European level.





























Our Services

For those seeking to achieve consensus amongst partners, stakeholders and potential beneficiaries on the need for and direction of change and build an effective collaboration or ‘change partnership’ to drive that change forward, we offer the following services:

  • Undertaking one-to-one consultation with partners, stakeholders and potential beneficiaries.

  • Facilitating consultation, visioning, scenario planning and scoping workshops.

  • Facilitating business and community engagement events and public meetings.

  • Ensuring effective stakeholder engagement and consultation.

  • Creating opportunities to acquire new resources, pool existing resources and secure joint commitment to an agreed course of action to achieve a common goal or agenda.

  • Facilitating public sector development partnerships to enable smarter, more efficient delivery of public services and operations, reduce risk and enhance public policy making.

Get in Touch

If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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