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Community Development

We bring many years’ experience supporting local communities and delivering community development solutions that have addressed local challenges and opportunities and supported the development of stronger, more vibrant and healthier communities. This includes delivering community development programmes for local authorities and working directly with community organisations and groups to support deprived rural mining communities, outer urban housing estates, town centre communities and latterly, community groups with specific issues relating to health and social well-being.

As Change Catalysts, we seek to empower and enable community organisations and groups to:

  • Find out what is important to people in their community;

  • Take positive action to find the best solution to things that matter to them;

  • Find the funding to make it happen;

  • Build relationships and a collaborative approach with key decision makers in the public and private sector;

  • Put their own solutions in to practice.



































































How We Support Community Development


We offer specific experience of leading and managing community-based projects and programmes in collaboration with community organisations and key public agencies, including:

  • Preparing community-led economic development strategies and action plans to support the development of stronger, more vibrant, healthy and sustainable communities.

  • Undertaking research, analysis and consultation to find out what is important to people in a community.

  • Facilitating community engagement exercises to find the best solution to things that matter, , as well as to provide the basis for responses to public policy consultations, lobbying activities, local needs assessments, etc. Including facilitating visioning, scoping and scenario planning exercises.

  • Supporting the process of developing community-led strategies and action plans to develop a shared vision and set out the steps for achieving key goals and desired changes identified as being important to a community.

  • Coordinating the preparation of bids to secure grant funding for community development initiatives, including support for preparing funding proposals, bid writing and managing the bidding process including any post award delivery arrangements, as required.

  • Building relationships and facilitating a collaborative approach to working in partnership with key decision makers in the public and private sector to deliver changes that are important to the community, including innovation in the design, funding and delivery of health and social care services.

  • Providing project oversight, coordination and delivery support to enable community organisations and groups put their own solutions in to practice.

  • Delivering physical and economic renewal initiatives, involving environmental improvement schemes; shop front improvement schemes, housing renewal schemes, workforce development programmes, redevelopment of derelict buildings into new industrial and commercial workspace for new and small businesses

Get in Touch

If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

Recent Areas of Focus

An emerging area of work for us is supporting community groups deliver their own projects within the health and social care sectors. There is significant unmet demand from individual parents and community groups who are looking for guidance and support to help them find solutions to things that matter to them in relation to the provision of health and social care services. Recent areas of activity supporting community groups with health and social care issues include:

  • Providing project management support to enable individuals and groups to work more effectively together, build a case for action to address a common issue or concern, take positive action to identify a solution and then enable them to put their own solution into practice.

  • Facilitating new models of collaborative working between parent groups, local authorities, the NHS and private service providers.

  • Increasing choice and strengthening the influence of parents and service-users on market development and service delivery within the health and social care sectors that would otherwise be out of the reach of individual service users on their own.

  • Promoting innovation in the design, funding and delivery of services and support in the health and social care sector.

  • Helping stimulate the development of the health and social care market and encouraging the entry of new providers into the market place.

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