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Economic Development

We bring to assignments 30 years’ practical ‘real-world’ experience of driving forward and delivering economic development solutions for and on behalf of the public sector, businesses, universities, community organisations and local communities. We offer an impressive track record of addressing local economic challenges and delivering meaningful change on the ground that has supported the development of strong, responsive and competitive local economies and enabled people, places, businesses and local communities to thrive and grow.


























We offer direct experience of working within the public sector, leading departments and managing multi-disciplinary teams delivering economic development programmes of action on the ground for district, county and unitary local authorities, economic development companies, local enterprise partnerships and strategic sub-regional partnerships. In addition, we also offer direct experience of providing strategic leadership to stimulate, enable and drive forward collaborative cross-border, cross-sector economic development solutions.


The majority of our economic development experience has involved operating at the interface between the public, business, academic and community sectors: building effective cross-sector collaborations, balancing competing interests and managing a process of change across a diverse range of communities. This experience enables us to add value and play a pivotal role in a wide range of economic development assignments, including those involving collaborations between the public, business and community sectors. We understand the needs, priorities and challenges facing businesses and local communities and how to ensure these are reflected within public policy making and the design and delivery of public services.




















































































































How We Support Economic Development


We support a wide range of direct economic development interventions and enabling activities to help shape the strategic economic environment for business and address any economic, physical and social impacts on local communities arising from long term decline and deprivation. Our focus is on maximising the development potential of places and addressing the needs of local people through unlocking economic growth by developing measures that address barriers to growth, tackle market failures and build on inherent strengths, local advantages and opportunities. For example:


  • Supporting the strategic economic context, including:


  • Undertaking public policy investigations and reviews, preparing briefing reports and vision papers to develop new public policy and investment priorities to promote sustainable economic growth, including targeted investments in public infrastructure and the provision of public goods and services, as well as targeted assistance to industries, businesses, and workers.


  • Preparing and implementing economic development strategies at the local, sub-regional and cross-boundary level to promote sustainable economic growth in urban and rural areas, town centres and village centres; setting out a strong economic vision and strategic direction with clear goals; building on inherent indigenous strengths and economic opportunities; unlocking the potential for innovation, business growth and the creation of new and better jobs; as well as tackling potential barriers to investment.


  • Leading the preparation and implementation of economic action plans that set out ambitious plans for investment in a local area and guide the delivery of a coherent and coordinated programme of action to stimulate sustainable economic growth.


  • Preparing local industrial strategies and action plans that build on local strengths and deliver on economic opportunities that lead to sustainable economic growth, ensuring economic and social benefits are realised locally, leading to a stronger economy, stronger communities and a low carbon economy.


  • Leading the preparation and implementation of tourism strategies and action plans to guide the delivery of a coherent and coordinated programme of action to improve visitor experience and accessibility, stimulate sustainable economic growth and create additional jobs.


  • Securing external UK and European funding to take forward economic development projects and programmes.


  • Supporting the strategic planning process, including:


  • Providing strategic planning support to develop a coordinated, pragmatic, cross-boundary approach to planning policy to address identified barriers to sustainable economic growth, including ensuring there is sufficient employment land allocated in Local Plans that is of the right type, available in the right places and at the right time to meet business needs across clearly defined natural economic areas.


  • Undertaking employment land assessments, site reviews and site options analysis to identify preferred sites for future employment land uses.


  • Preparing topic-based supplementary planning documents and site development briefs to facilitate sustainable economic development.


  • Undertaking local area assessments to identify and analyse needs, priorities and challenges and translating these into public policy recommendations and service delivery improvements for the delivery of economic development programmes of action.


  • Preparing transport evidence bases, involving research and evidence gathering to assess policy impacts and assemble the necessary material to support policy choices that contribute to the achievement of sustainable economic development.


  • Preparing Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements, to assess and mitigate the negative transport impacts of new development.


  • Supporting sustainable economic growth, including:


  • Managing a range of projects, programmes and services to:


  • Support the creation of new enterprises, the retention of local firms and the improvement and expansion of existing businesses.


  • Help reduce costs and risks for businesses and encourage business investment and productivity.


  • Constructing new industrial and commercial workspace for start-ups, business expansion and inward investment.


  • Managing public sector portfolios of industrial and commercial workspace.


  • Opening up new employment land to support local business expansion and inward investment.


  • Facilitating pre-application discussions between businesses, developers and planning authorities.


  • Facilitating engagement with the public sector to open up markets for new products and services, improve understanding of the priorities and user-requirements within the public sector and thereby open up opportunities to identify new gaps in the market


  • Facilitating cooperation and collaboration between small businesses to increase their negotiating strength when seeking to purchase land for business expansion and relocation purposes.


  • Providing financial support schemes to create new employment opportunities.


  • Developing and supporting skills training schemes for small businesses.


  • Undertaking promotional and marketing campaigns to attract inward investment and develop local tourism markets.


  • Providing inward investment relocation services to attract national and international businesses to an area.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





Our Focus


We focus on developing and managing economic development projects and programmes and preparing pragmatic and evidence-based economic development policies, strategies and action plans, that:


  • Help build stronger, more responsive, competitive and sustainable local economies;


  • Support business growth, innovation and improved productivity;


  • Improve the vitality and viability of town and village centres;


  • Strengthen and diversify rural economies;


  • Promote tourism development;


  • Develop a strategic and coordinated cross-border approach to employment land planning policy and development.

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