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The importance of securing sufficient resources to enable a project to proceed and deliver the changes that are expected cannot be overstated. Resources are the means by which it is possible to achieve project objectives. The primary resources include people (with applicable skills and competencies), finance (capital and revenue), facilities, equipment, material and information.


In relation to enabling change to happen, the key role we play is in supporting clients who are seeking to secure external public grant funding to enable a project or programme to move forward. In many cases, this funding is available through open, competitive bidding events, with specific bidding criteria. In these circumstances, knowledge and experience of how to write a successful funding bid is crucial.

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The importance of securing sufficient resources to enable a project to proceed and deliver the changes that are expected cannot be overstated. Resources are the means by which it is possible to achieve project objectives. The primary resources include people (with applicable skills and competencies), finance (capital and revenue), facilities, equipment, material and information.


In relation to enabling change to happen, the key role we play is in supporting clients who are seeking to secure external public grant funding to enable a project or programme to move forward. In many cases, this funding is available through open, competitive bidding events, with specific bidding criteria. In these circumstances, knowledge and experience of how to write a successful funding bid is crucial.


Before Submitting a Bid


Before submitting a bid, it is worth considering that a successful outcome is not only dependant on developing a strong project idea, but also that the most salient aspects of the proposal are reflected accurately and effectively within the application form – leaving nothing for ‘assumption’ by the evaluator. It is also important to ensure the application form is completed in accordance with any guidelines issued by the funder. Too many times, very good projects are let down by a lack of attention to detail to following the guidelines for completing the application form.


Many of the opportunities to secure grant funding are available through open competitive bidding calls. There are four fundamental questions at the heart of preparing a strong project proposal for submission in response to an open call for project proposals. We use these as our guiding principles in the approach we adopt in preparing funding bids on behalf of clients and for our own project proposals.


In our experience, for a proposal to have a realistic chance of securing funding through any competitive funding call, it must be possible to substantiate an answer in the affirmative to the following questions at the outset of preparing a funding bid and throughout the preparation process, namely:


  • Is the project deliverable without having to significantly change your operating model or deviate from your core work?


  • Does the proposal realistically meet the funder's criteria?


  • Does it offer something innovative, different and unique to enable it to stand out from other potential bids?


  • Is it possible to do all the things outlined in the proposal with the funds available?


These questions apply both to small projects seeking modest funding amounts and to large complex projects and programmes requiring millions of pounds of grant funding and supporting investment. We use these as our guiding principles in the approach we adopt in preparing funding bids on behalf of clients and for our own project proposals. The processes followed in the earlier steps within the Changer Process Life Cycle Model will help the preparation of a strong funding proposal.


Preparing a Project Proposal and Submitting a Bid


For those inexperienced in preparing bids for grant funding to enable a project or programme to go forward, it is important seek advice and support from those who do know how to write successful funding bids. It many also be appropriate for some seeking grant funding to seek advice and support towards other aspects of the bidding process. This includes support towards preparing supporting evidence to submit with a bid, such as a business case report and a project plan, building bidding consortia and managing the submission process itself as well as supporting any contractual negotiations any post-award delivery arrangements that may be required.


In some cases, the bidding process may be split into two phases, requiring the submission of a short Expression of Interest before more detailed bids are required from those shortlisted to the next round. In the case of Expressions of Interest, again experienced support may be required to ensure the process of preparing an EoI is robust. Sound knowledge of how to prepare an EOI is just as important as knowledge of preparing detailed bids. Without a successful EOI, you do not get the opportunity to submit a detailed proposal!


It is also worth considering that it is a fact that many excellent bids are not successful at the first opportunity. This is not necessarily the result of a weak bid. In some case, the response to an open call for proposals can overwhelming and bids for funding exceed many times the amount available. In those circumstances, the ‘bar’ or threshold for approval, or at least progressing through to a subsequent bidding round, may be raised to narrow down the field. This can result in some proposals that may have been funded under other circumstances may not be successful that time.


There can also be a number of positives to be gained even from failed bids and useful lessons for the future. It is important to request feedback from evaluators if nothing is automatically sent out to failed bidders. This feedback can provide very useful indicators of areas that may need further consideration should any subsequent submission of the same proposal or something similar be considered. future bids. In addition, many of the project ideas generated and much of the knowledge gained can be put to good use in future bids, even in those totally unrelated to this one. Furthermore, the partnerships established and contacts made during the process of preparing a bid can often outlast the action bid itself and provide strong working relationships and collaborations in the future.




















How We Can Help You: Securing Grant Funding


We know how to write successful funding bids that secure grant funding for a wide range of projects in the public sector as well as those for small and medium sized businesses, universities and community organisations and groups. We have over 25 years’ experience and a long and successful track record of writing bids that have secured millions of pounds of UK and European grant funding through open, competitive bidding events. We prepare bids for small projects seeking modest amounts of funding as well as large complex projects and programmes requiring millions of pounds of grant funding and supporting investment. We also support other aspects of the bidding process, including the preparation of supporting evidence like business case reports and project plans, building bidding consortia, managing the submission process, contract negotiations and any post-award delivery arrangements.


Over the years, we have secured funding to facilitate the implementation of a broad range of projects and programmes that have enabled people, places, businesses and local communities to thrive - economically, socially and environmentally. This includes securing project and programme funding to:


  • Support sustainable economic growth


  • Strengthen local communities;


  • Regenerate the economic, physical and social fabric of places and communities;


  • Promote healthy urban living, help mitigate the impact of air pollution exposure on health & wellbeing and support the transition to a low carbon economy;


  • Enhance public policy making and enable smarter, more efficient delivery of public services;


  • Release new employment land and construct industrial and commercial floorspace;


  • Unlock the potential for innovation in small businesses, stimulate enterprise and business growth and create new, better quality jobs;


  • Promote smart, green integrated transport and urban mobility.


In addition to our work supporting clients in securing project grant funding, we also put our experience into practice to prepare our own funding bids. Working in collaboration with our SME partners, we secure grant funding for our own self-generated projects, which we usually take forward in partnership with the public sector.



















































































































Our Services


For clients who are seeking public grant funding through open competitive bidding calls to secure resources to enable a project to move forward and deliver the desired change, we offer the following services:


  • Providing intelligence and advice on potential sources of funding.


  • Preparing bidding strategies.


  • Developing a robust evidence base and business case reports to demonstrate strategic fit and 'make the case' for funding.


  • Shaping, developing and writing project proposals and project plans.


  • Securing partner commitment, pooling existing resources, identifying in-kind support and facilitating the formation of bidding consortia.


  • Writing and submitting bids and managing the bidding process, including contract negotiations, preparing consortium agreements and managing any post-award delivery arrangements.


  • Providing leadership, coordination and management support for the implementation of projects and programmes once the funding has been secured.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





Advisory Note 2. Top 10 Tips on Writing a Successful Funding Bid


Over the years, we have been instrumental in securing millions of pounds from a wide range of competitive UK and European funding programmes for small scale and large complex projects and programmes. To find out what are our top 10 tips for writing a strong proposal to secure public funding for your project, click on the following link to our Advisory Note on writing successful bids:



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