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Innovation and the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

A continually growing area of our work is supporting the development and uptake of technology-enabled tools and services for the public sector to support policy making and the delivery of public services and operations as well as maximising the local economic, social and environmental benefits arising from the transition to a low carbon economy.



































Maximising Local Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits Arising from the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy


We work with local authorities and other public bodies to maximise the potential for cleaner economic growth associated with the transition to a low carbon economy. In particular, our work in this field has been to explore the opportunities to ensure economic and social benefits achieved in the transition to a lower carbon economy are realised at the local level, leading to stronger local economies and stronger communities.


We prepare vision papers, policy briefings, strategies, demand analyses and feasibility studies to help shape and challenge emerging policy areas associated with the transition to a low carbon economy.


We also support local authorities seeking to engage more closely with key national public and private sector decision makers and influencers, including senior civil servants and industry leaders, to make the case for future public and private sector investment at the local and sub-regional scale to maximise the potential of such opportunities.


Facilitating the Uptake of Technology-Enabled Tools and Services by the Public Sector to Promote Healthy Urban Living, Active Travel and Sustainable Development


We also work directly with innovation-led small and medium sized businesses, research-led universities and not-for-profit research institutions to design and develop projects aimed at helping facilitate the development and demonstration of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services for use by the public sector, through harnessing Space, ICT and Low Carbon technologies.


We collaborate as part of consortia of small and medium sized businesses to initiate and deliver projects of our own, usually in response to open funding calls for proposals from Government funding programmes, such as those provided through the UK Space Agency and the Satellite Applications Catapult. These projects are typically aimed at advancing the development of innovative new Space and Satellite-enabled tools and services to enhance public policy making and enable smarter and more effective delivery of public services and operations. For example, to enable the public sector to better manage and mitigate the impacts of adverse ambient air pollution on the health and well-being of citizens. This includes supporting urban planners and transport planners identify mitigating measures to reduce the impact of air pollution exposure, enabling healthcare professionals to include air pollution management in patient treatment and health self-management programmes and providing the public sector with solutions for smarter and more efficient means of delivery of public sector policies for active travel, health care, health risk reduction and sustaining healthy urban environments.


Our Key Strengths


Through our direct experience and in-depth understanding of the public sector and in particular how to work effectively within a public sector environment, we are able to support businesses and universities in developing productive working relationships with local authorities and other public sector bodies. In this way, we have been able to develop projects, in partnership with the public sector, to demonstrate proof-of-concept and hold pre—operational trials of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services to raise awareness and encourage their uptake by the public sector in order to enhance public policy making and enable smarter, more efficient delivery of public services. Typically, our role in these projects focusses on facilitating public sector development partnerships, preparing project proposals, writing funding bids and managing the bidding process, providing project management support, coordinating end-user and stakeholder engagement, report writing, evaluation and dissemination.


We are highly skilled at forming collaborative partnerships between the business and academic communities and the public sector to take forward joint research and innovation projects at the local, sub-national and trans-national level. We have a strong track record of preparing joint funding bids (ideas, stakeholder engagement, bid writing, project coordination and management) on behalf of these ‘triple-helix’ partnerships to secure funding to deliver joint innovation projects that make a real difference to strategies and the delivery of public sector services 'on the ground’.
































































How We Support Innovation and the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy


Our experience supporting Innovation and Low Carbon Agenda, includes:


  • Strengthening the interface between local government, industry, universities and other research organisations to increase awareness and promote the uptake of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services within the public sector.


  • Promoting research, development and demonstration of low carbon technologies, ultra-low emission vehicle technologies, cooperative intelligent transport systems and downstream application of space technologies.


  • Working with innovative small and medium sized businesses to demonstrate to the public sector the beneficial interventions of emerging new technology-enabled tools and services in promoting smarter and more efficient delivery of public services and enhancing public policy making: including the coordination of demonstrator projects and pre-operational trials.


  • Facilitating the creation of public sector development partnerships to strengthen the interface between the public sector, industry and the research community to help the public sector embrace and increase its uptake of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services.


  • Coordinating initiatives that encourage the UK public sector embrace and increase its uptake of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services to enhance public policy making, reduce risk and enable smarter, more efficient delivery of public services and operations.


  • Coordinating the delivery of trans-national sustainable transport innovation projects and programmes and preparing programmes of innovation actions to support sustainable transport an intelligent mobility in cities and regions across Europe.


  • Preparing bids to secure project funding to promote innovation, including funding bids to ERDF, ESF, FP7, Horizon 2020, DfT, OLEV.


  • Preparing vision papers, demand analyses and feasibility studies to provide strategic guidance and policy direction in relation to exploiting emerging opportunities associated with the transition to a low carbon economy and promoting healthy urban living.


  • Contributing to making the environment a healthier place in which to live and work: including measures to mitigate the impact of air pollution exposure on people’s health and supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





Our Focus


Our key areas of interest are in:


  • Emerging opportunities around the transition to a low carbon future and maximising the potential for cleaner economic growth whilst ensuring economic, social and environmental  benefits are realised at the local level. This includes supporting policy development, strategy preparation, action planning and writing funding proposals to underpin local economic growth by exploiting emerging opportunities around the transition to a local carbon economy and associated areas of investment in low carbon technology, training and skills, infrastructure and business support. Particular interest in off-shore and on-shore renewables and the energy transformation agenda.


  • Promoting urban healthy living through supporting the progression to market of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services for uptake by the public sector that harness Space and ICT technologies, including:


  • Satellite-enabled air pollution mapping and dynamic route planning tools and services to promote the active management of adverse ambient air pollution exposure, encourage active travel, promote sustainable urban development, reduce the dependency on cars for short urban journeys and help mitigate a range of health risks associated with adverse ambient air pollution.


  • Supporting innovation in the sustainable transport and intelligent mobility sectors, including the development of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services to support smart, green integrated transport and urban mobility.

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