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Our Services for

Local Authorities and Other Public Bodies

We offer a range of services to enhance public policy making and enable smarter, more efficient delivery of strategic and operational services. We focus particularly on helping to build strong, sustainable local economies, enable the regeneration of places and communities, support strong and vibrant communities and contribute to making the environment a healthier place to live and work.


We bring to assignment with the public sector many years’ practical experience of working at a senior level within local government and the public sector. We understand the needs, priorities and challenges facing the sector. We also bring significant experience of working at the interface with business and community sectors. This enables us to add value and play a pivotal role in many assignments, particularly those involving collaborations with businesses and local communities.

We offer practical, results-driven consultancy support to local authorities and other public bodies to help them adopt a more proactive and integrated approach to the achievement of sustainable economic, environmental and community development in their area.


Our services focus particularly on the following areas:


  • Helping build a strong, responsive and competitive local economy: including preparing a clear economic vision, strategy and action plan, supporting business growth, innovation and improved productivity and ensuring that sufficient employment land of the right types is available in the right places and at the right time to meet business needs.


  • Enabling the economic, physical and social regeneration of places and communities: including tackling barriers to growth and the challenges of deprivation and place shaping, promoting economic and social inclusion, facilitating effective partnership working,


  • Supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities: including facilitating new models of collaborative working between local community groups, private sector and the public sector and encouraging innovation in the design, commissioning, funding and delivery of health and social care services.


  • Contributing to making the environment a healthier place in which to live and work: including measures to mitigate the impact of air pollution exposure on people’s health and supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.


  • Facilitating cross-sector and cross-boundary collaborations and joint working to improve the management of change in strategic priority areas including:


  • Economic development


  • Community development


  • Area-based and community-led regeneration


  • Strategic planning, urban planning and employment land planning


  • Urban healthy living, air quality and the transition to a low carbon economy


  • Active travel


  • Transport planning, policy, modelling and data analysis


  • Tourism development and promotion


We bring to assignments many years’ practical experience of working at a senior level in the public sector, including all three tiers within local government as well as with local authority economic development companies and public/private sub-regional strategic partnerships and supporting local enterprise partnerships. We understand the needs, priorities and challenges facing the public sector. We also know how to work effectively within the public sector, how to communicate and engage effectively with key decision makers, how to secure commitment to action and how to write and present reports in a manner that can be clearly understood and focus on the things that need decision.


We also bring significant experience of working at the interface between the public, business, academic and community sectors. This experience and knowledge enable us to add value and play a pivotal role in many assignments involving collaborations between the public, business and community sectors. This means we are able to work effectively within a public sector environment and reflect the needs of businesses and local community groups within public policy making and the design and delivery of public services.

























































Our Services for Local Authorities and Other Public Bodies


The services we offer enable us to support and deliver a wide range of assignments and commissioned projects for and on behalf of local authorities and other public bodies. Examples of the type of services and support we can provide, include:


  • Leading, coordinating and delivering project and programmes;


  • Preparing area-based and topic-specific strategies and action plans at the neighbourhood, urban, rural, city, district, sub-regional and cross-regional level, in areas relating to economic development, community development, regeneration, employment land, industrial and commercial workspace, tourism.


  • Facilitating the initiation, design and development of new projects ranging from small scale through to large project with complex partnering and funding arrangements.


  • Preparing vision papers, briefing reports, demand analyses and feasibility studies to provide strategic guidance and policy direction in relation to emerging opportunities, including those associated with renewable energy, improving air quality, employment land planning, emerging new economic opportunities, the transition to a low carbon economy.


  • Preparing bids to secure UK national and sub-national funding: respond to new calls for UK funding opportunities. Coordinating preparation of bids for external project and programme grant funding


  • Facilitating the creation of public sector development partnerships to strengthen the interface between the public sector, industry and the research community to help the public sector embrace and increase its uptake of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services.


  • Supporting the preparation of supplementary planning documents, local development orders and site development briefs to facilitate sustainable economic development and regeneration.


  • Undertaking local area assessments to identify and analyse needs, priorities and challenges and translating these into public policy recommendations and service delivery improvements.


  • Preparing transport evidence bases, involving research and evidence gathering to assess policy impacts and assemble the necessary material to support policy choices that contribute to the achievement of sustainable economic development.


  • Preparing travel plans, transport assessments and statements to assess and mitigate the negative transport impacts of new development.


  • Undertaking employment land assessments, site reviews and site options analysis to identify preferred sites for future employment land uses.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





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