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Monitoring and Evaluation

We design bespoke approaches to performance monitoring and evaluation to meet the specific needs of each project, whether small or large scale. We support projects being run by the public sector, businesses and community organisations and groups.


We design and conduct performance monitoring exercises to enable on-going analysis of the progress of a project towards achieving its planned outcomes, deliverables, milestones and financial targets.


We design and implement project evaluation strategies and plans to determine whether a project’s outcomes have succeeded in bringing about the changes and benefits as defined by the original project purpose, goals and objectives.


We are also able to assess how well the process of change was managed, including what did and did not work and why, as well as help consolidate what has been learnt from the change to help improve the change process in the future.

Our Services Life Cycle Diagram v4 Step

Monitoring and evaluation can serve many purposes and how the results and impacts of any intervention are viewed, analysed and acted on can vary depending on the needs and objectives of those monitoring, evaluating and experiencing change. We believe it is good practice to make monitoring and evaluation an integral part of the entire project life cycle. Our approach is to recommend undertaking monitoring and evaluation in the period leading up to the design and development of a project as well as during its implementation, with the intention of providing information to improve the design and effectiveness of a project. We also recommend evaluation also takes place during and following project implementation, to provide information on the effectiveness or impact of a project and to be able to draw lessons for the future.


We are able to employ a range of monitoring and evaluation methods: no one single method fits all types of projects. The evaluation approach chosen will depend on the specific project in question and also the purpose of the process as well as the needs and objectives of those monitoring, evaluating and experiencing change. We are able to take a leading role in helping to establish and design the monitoring and evaluation system to be employed. We are also able to lead on the actual facilitation of the monitoring and evaluation process and employ both qualitative and quantitative methods for data gathering and analysis and learning from findings.


In terms of reaching agreement on the most suitable approach and design for the monitoring and evaluation system to be employed for a specific project, our preferred approach is to engage and consult with the client, its partners and stakeholders, including any funding agency at the outset, as part of the project design process. This allows the opportunity to take account of the needs of the client, its partners and stakeholders, which may influence the nature and scope of the monitoring and evaluation system chosen. It also enables a clear plan for monitoring and evaluation to be developed before the project has started. In this way, important decisions can be taken that may influence the design and implementation of the project. This includes what questions about the project need to be answered by the monitoring and evaluation process, what performance indicators will be used and therefore what data is needed to measure performance, how will the data be collected and analysed and how will the results be disseminated.


In many cases, we recommend a participatory approach is adopted across the entire monitoring and evaluation process, including the design of the monitoring and evaluation exercises to be undertaken. Adopting a participatory approach encourages the participation of stakeholders who are directly involved in or affected by the project’s activities. One of our key roles in this approach is to facilitate the inclusion of a wider number of stakeholders on the premise that this will result in a number of ideas and perspectives. We believe this approach can make monitoring and evaluation more effective process as it looks at the impacts on those directly engaged in the change process and not just a systemic evaluation of fact and figures. This approach can be applied across a range of purposes and contexts at the local or community level, including in the fields of economic and community development, health, education and in urban and rural settings.






































































































































Our Services


For clients looking for support to monitor the progress of their project in achieving its planned outcomes and to evaluate whether their project has succeeded in bringing about the changes and benefits desired, we are able to offer the following services:


  • Facilitating stakeholder engagement to support the monitoring and evaluation process at every stage during the entire project life cycle.


  • Designing appropriate performance monitoring strategies and plans and facilitating their implementation to monitoring the performance of a project, including:


  • Undertaking frequent monitoring, results review and feedback regarding the performance of a project and how it is developing in relation to the approved work plan and budget.


  • Identifying actual or potential problems as early as possible and recommending key process improvements and timely refinements to the project plan and implementation process to keep a project running smoothly, efficiently and on time.


  • Implementing a regular schedule for reporting, whether informally through weekly meetings, or formally through written reports.


  • Identifying how, when and what it is about a project that needs monitoring;


  • Designing appropriate evaluation strategies and plans and facilitating their implementation to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, relevance and sustainability of a project’s actions, including identifying:


  • How effective a project has been, in terms of whether the project’s activities and the resultant outcomes have achieved the project’s stated purpose, goals and objectives.


  • Both the positive and intended impacts, as well as the negative and unintended impacts of an intervention.


  • The extent to which the activities undertaken by a project - or the external environment - has given rise to the impacts recorded.


  • The effectiveness of the strategies and procedures involved in the implementation of a project in helping to direct and manage the change process.


  • Whether predetermined targets were met - including those set by people responsible for implementing the project as well as the project funders.


  • Lessons to be learnt in order to improve outcomes in the future and to inform related projects and programmes, where appropriate.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.




Our Experience


We offer many years’ experience of monitoring and evaluating project and programmes. In many cases this has been undertaken as part of a project and programme management role, for example:


  • Urban Healthy Living Project: analysis of project results and evaluation of project impacts and outcomes to demonstrate the beneficial interventions for public policy making of innovative new satellite enabled air pollution mapping and dynamic route planning tools and services to actively manage adverse ambient air pollution exposure in Bicester Healthy New Town and Belfast City.


  • THE ISSUE Project: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this four year European transport innovation project.


  • North West Leicestershire Economic, Environmental and Community Regeneration Programme: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this 10 year programme to address the economic, social and environmental impact of the closure of the area’s deep coal mines.


  • ESF Skills Mapping Skills Development Project: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this two year multi-agency project to reduce skills gaps and tackle barriers to training for employers, employees, under-employed and unemployed in North West Leicestershire.


  • ESF Bespoke e-Business Project: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this two year multi-agency project to promote e-business and e-commerce in North West Leicestershire.


  • ‘Making the Links’ Programme: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this four year cross-border community-based urban regeneration programme to tackle deprivation, worklessness, and issues of health, crime and drugs in deprived outer urban housing estates in the Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.


  • ‘Community Connections’ Programme: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this five year cross-border initiative to tackle rural deprivation in former mining communities within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.


  • North West Leicestershire Coalfields Physical Regeneration Programme: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this five year £10 million programme of local area-based capital regeneration projects to reclaim and regenerate former colliery sites in the Coalfields Priority Area within North West Leicestershire.


  • Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Programme: responsible for designing and implementing performance and financial monitoring systems, as well as undertaking an analysis of project results and an evaluation of project impacts and outcomes of this five-year £15 million cross-agency and cross-border programme to tackle the economic, environmental and social impacts of the closure of the deep coal mining industry within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.


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