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Our passion is making things happen and bringing about real and lasting change.

Our purpose is to serve as a ‘catalyst for change’: helping create the right environment in which to facilitate change that enables people, places, businesses and local communities to thrive and grow and bring wider benefits for the local economy and the environment.

Our goal is to provide a quality service that is practical, flexible, results-driven and delivered at all times with integrity.

Our focus is on empowering and enabling our clients: helping them identify what is important to them, helping them find the best way to achieve their desired goals and outcomes, and helping them put their own solutions in to practice.


Our role is to bring to our clients the additional support they need to help make change happen. This includes clients who:

  • Need additional ‘hands-on’ support to fulfil a specific assignment or role;

  • Have an idea but are unsure how to get it off the ground.

  • Are looking for an objective perspective, fresh insight and an independent ‘big picture’ view of a particular issue;

  • Require specific experience, expertise and knowledge not found within their organisation or group to help make something happen.




“To make a difference in everything we do, by using our passion, insight, skills and experience to empower others to work more effectively together and to challenge, inspire and help bring about sustainable economic, environmental and social change along with shared prosperity for people, places, businesses and local communities.”



To find out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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