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As experienced change catalysts, we offer a comprehensive range of services to make things happen and deliver change for local authorities, other public sector bodies, businesses and local community organisations and groups. These are practical, flexible, results-driven services, delivered at all times with integrity and a passion for making a difference.


We provide services to support all seven steps in the change process life cycle. Each step requires a specific range of services and support to ensure it is delivered efficiently and effectively.


We work closely with each potential client to understand their needs and assess the relative position and service needs of their assignment or project within the change process life cycle. This ensures we are able to offer the right services, at the right time, focused on the right goals that are appropriate to meet a client’s specific needs, circumstances, desired outcomes and unique operating environment.





























































Our Approach to Facilitating the Process of Change


We are not ‘theoretical’ consultants, who just focus on completing an assignment and have never had the responsibility for following through in practice. Our services are borne out of many years of ‘real world’ experience of doing in practice what we deliver for our clients. We know what it takes to make things happen, get the job done and do it well. Over the years, we have found out what works well and also sometimes what didn’t work as well as expected and learnt from it.


Our background is having responsibility for services that improve the lives of others, working with businesses to help them thrive and grow and supporting community groups to bring new life back into struggling communities and improve their health and well-being. We have led, managed and delivered projects and programmes whilst working for local authorities, economic development companies, public/private sub-regional strategic partnerships as well as in private consultancy. We have delivered transformational change on the ground that has enabled people, places, businesses and local communities to thrive and grow as well as strengthened and diversified local economies and made the environment a healthier place in which to live and work.























Our services are geared towards delivering change that addresses key economic, social and environmental priorities within the public sector and supporting businesses and local communities achieve what is important to them.


We carry out short term and interim assignments and deliver commissioned projects for a wide range of clients in the public, business and community sectors, including:


  • Local authorities and other public bodies with responsibility for economic, social and environmental well-being;


  • Third sector organisations, including voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, development trusts and co-operatives;


  • Community groups, particularly those involved in the health and social care sectors;


  • Technology-led small and medium sized businesses, particularly those seeking to develop partnerships with the public sector.


We are able to support clients through the whole change process. This ranges from helping clients get a better understanding the need for change, developing strategies and plans to set out the steps needed to deliver change, finding solutions and designing projects that are capable of delivering change, securing funding to enable projects to go ahead, providing project management support to deliver change on the ground and evaluating the impact on the ground at the end of the process.


We understand each assignment and project is unique and there are no “one size fits all” solutions. We also appreciate not every assignment or project will require our support from step one through to step seven. For example, some clients may have a clearly defined project already developed and just require additional short-term support to put it into action. Other clients may have an idea of the change they wish to see happen but need support to bring together people, ideas and resources to find the best solution to achieve their desired change


We offer flexible support and provide appropriate services to cover whichever steps in the change process are deemed necessary. We work very closely with each potential client to understand the relative position of their assignment or project within the change process life cycle. This ensures we are able to offer the right services, at the right time, focused on the right goals that are appropriate to meet a client’s specific needs, circumstances, desired outcomes and unique operating environment.

Our Services and Support


  • Research, Analysis and Consultation:


We conduct research, analysis and consultation exercises to help clients achieve a better understanding of the need for change: enabling them to substantiate the need for change, identify what change is required and determine what that change should look like, in order to help them manage the process of change more effectively. We are able to interpret and communicate complex statistical and technical information and prepare and present complex/sensitive reports to a wide ranging set of stakeholders; ensuring this information is communicated in a way that is appropriate and accessible to the specific audience in question;


  • Partnership Building:


We build effective working relationships across internal and external stakeholders on complex strategic policy matters. We influence and engage with colleagues, partners and customers at all levels within complex strategic planning or politically sensitive situations. We facilitate the formation of partnerships for change. In doing so, we bring the right people together to achieve consensus on the need for change, secure commitment to making change happen, agree the scope, desired outcomes and time-lines for a project, ensuring things get done on the project and that it is implemented successfully;


  • Policy, Strategy and Action Planning:


We prepare position papers and responses to help shape or challenge emerging policy areas. We prepare strategies and action plans that provide a better understanding of the wider context to delivering a desired change. This includes the critical factors and potential barriers that could shape and influence the ability to deliver that change, clarify what outcomes are envisaged from a specific programme of action, how those outcomes will be achieved, who will be responsible for delivering those outcomes and what change will look like at the end of the process;


  • Project Design and Development:


We engage with key stakeholders and bring people and ideas together to find the right solutions to issues that are important to them and facilitate the design and development of projects that ensure strategic goals and priorities are translated into projects that are fully aligned to the identified change and anticipated benefits;


  • Securing Project Funding:


We prepare funding proposal and write bids to secure grant funding necessary to move a project forward and enable action to be undertaken to deliver a desired change;


  • Project Management:


We provide project oversight, management and coordination support to enable and empower clients to act on putting their own solutions into practice and deliver meaningful change on the ground;


  • Monitoring and Evaluation:


We design and conduct monitoring and evaluation exercises to assess the performance, results and impact of an intervention to determine whether a project achieved its agreed outcomes, whether it was well managed and what lessons can be learnt for the future to improve the change process moving forward.

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Research, Analysis and Consultation

We are experienced in undertaking a range of research, analysis and consultation exercises to build a robust evidence-base that will enable clients to manage the process of change more effectively. We have a demonstrable capacity for translating detailed analysis into actionable insights to provide strategic direction, a strong rationale for intervention, inform policy development, strategy preparation and building a case to secure funding and partner commitment to action.


We are well suited to supporting those seeking to gain a better understanding of the need for change and greater insight into the nature and scope of the underlying problem. One of our key strengths, borne out of many years working in the public sector, is knowing how to present technical evidence to the public sector and local community groups in a clear, concise and coherent manner so that it is easily understood and addresses the key areas in which decisions need to be made.

Partnership Building

We have a strong commitment to partnership working. Facilitating cross-sector collaborations, developing effective ‘change’ partnerships and empowering others to work more effectively together is a hallmark of Pentuple Consulting’s approach.


We have a strong track record of building a wide range of effective collaborations and championing innovative approaches to partnership working. This includes establishing and coordinating small community-led forums and partnerships through to complex, high performing multi-agency partnerships and ‘triple-helix’ consortia at a European level.


With that in mind, we are well suited to supporting those looking to engage with key stakeholders to achieve consensus on the need for change and secure commitment to making it happen. We are very experienced in stakeholder engagement, securing ‘buy-in’ and establishing strong ‘change’ partnerships.

Policy, Strategy and Action Planning

The ability to translate detailed analysis into actionable insights, shape and challenge emerging policy and prepare practical, evidence-based policies, strategies and action plans that set the context for change is a key strength of Pentuple Consulting.


We offer an impressive track record of preparing evidence-based policies, strategies and plans for a wide range of sectors. These are practical and forward thinking, provide a clear vision and direction and focus on those issues that can be directly changed and influenced.


Our expertise is borne out of direct practical experience of preparing policies, strategies and action plans and then implementing them on the ground. This makes us well suited to supporting those in need of an objective perspective, fresh insight and additional guidance on strategic planning issues and policy matters and prepare strategies and plans that set the context for change and the steps needed to achieve it.

Project Design and Development

We know what makes for a successful project: a well-defined rationale for intervention, an explicit 'logic model', clearly defined objectives and activities, underpinned by a robust and realistic model of expected costs, benefits and risks. We have a proven track record of turning strategic goals into successful projects that deliver meaningful change and achieve agreed goals, outputs and outcomes.


We are well suited to supporting clients who require assistance to identify practical solutions to bring about a desired change to address a particular issue and make it happen. We specialise in bringing people and ideas together in a collaborative approach to create the right environment in which to stimulate creative thinking, encourage participation, generate breakthrough ideas, find the right solutions and translate them into successful projects.

Securing Project Funding

We know how to secure grant funding for projects and programmes. We are able to offer clients the benefit of over 25 years’ experience and a long and successful track record of writing successful bids that have secured millions of pounds of UK and European project and programme funding through open, competitive bidding calls.


We can play a key role in supporting clients who are seeking to secure external public grant funding to enable a project or programme to move forward.


We prepare bids for the public sector, businesses, universities and local communities. This includes bids for small projects seeking modest funding amounts as well as large complex projects and programmes requiring millions of pounds of grant funding and supporting investment.

Project Management

We are experienced project managers. We provide clarity on what needs to be done, ensure a solution is fully aligned to the desired change and then make it happen.


We seek to enable and empower clients to act on putting their own project solutions into practice by providing ‘hands-on’ project oversight, coordination and delivery support across the whole project life cycle from start-up to completion, ensuring momentum is maintained throughout the process.


We manage projects across a wide variety of sectors and scale, from small through to large scale projects with complex funding and partnering arrangements, operating in challenging environments. We support local authorities, small and medium sized businesses, universities, community organisations and community groups.

Monitoring and Evaluation

We provide bespoke approaches to performance monitoring and evaluation of both small and large scale projects for the public sector, businesses and community organisations.


We are able to design and conduct monitoring exercises to enable on-going analysis of the progress of a project towards achieving its planned outcomes, deliverables, milestones and financial targets.


We are able to design and implement evaluation exercises to determine whether a project’s outcomes have succeeded in bringing about the changes and benefits as defined by the original project purpose, goals and objectives.


We are also able to assess how well the process of change was managed, including what did and did not work and why, as well as help consolidate what has been learnt from the change to help improve the change process in the future.


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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