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We are experienced project managers. We provide clarity on what needs to be done, ensure a solution is fully aligned to the desired change and then make it happen. This includes providing ‘hands-on’ project oversight, coordination and delivery support across the whole project life cycle from start-up to completion, ensuring momentum is maintained throughout the process.


We have managed projects across a wide variety of sectors and scale, from small through to large scale projects with complex funding and partnering arrangements, operating in challenging environments. We have supported local authorities, small and medium sized businesses, universities, community organisations and community groups.


Outlined below are examples of the breadth and depth of project and programme management work undertaken whilst working within the public sector and in private consultancy.

Project and Programme Management


  • PMLD Day Opportunities Project: Project manager and co-founder of a community initiative in Leicestershire to develop an innovative approach to the design, funding and delivery of a new day service in Leicestershire for young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities, involving business case preparation, market testing and joint venture arrangement (for PMLD Parent-Carers Group, 2017 - on-going).


  • Urban Healthy Living Project: Project management and end-user engagement support for the UK Space Agency-funded demonstration project in Bicester and Belfast (part of the Space for Smarter Government Programme) to promote urban healthy living and smarter, more efficient public policy making and service delivery. Project demonstrated the beneficial interventions of innovative new satellite enabled air pollution mapping and dynamic route planning tools and services in Bicester and Belfast in areas relating to primary and secondary healthcare programmes and urban planning through active management of adverse ambient air pollution exposure (in collaboration with Geospatial Insights Ltd, Redshift Associates Ltd, 2018).


  • NHS Healthy New Towns Feasibility Study: Project management and end-user engagement support on the NHS Healthy New Towns Feasibility Study in Bicester, Ebbsfleet and Darlington to demonstrate ‘proof of concept’ for innovative new satellite-enabled air quality mapping and dynamic route planning tools to improve the effectiveness of public policy making and development planning to reduce exposure to air pollution and encourage active travel (in collaboration with Satellite Applications Catapult/Redshift Associates Ltd/Geospatial Insights Ltd, 2017).


  • THE ISSUE Project: Project Director of THE ISSUE Project, a 4 year €2.75 million European transport innovation project funded through the EU’s Framework Seven Programme. Responsible for managing a Consortium of 13 core European partners and 21 associate European partners from 12 European regional “triple-helix” clusters, involving industry, research institutions and local/regional government. Responsible for leading the development of a programme of innovative near-to-market intelligent transport and urban mobility solutions harnessing Space and ICT technologies to support smart, green integrated transport and urban mobility (for Leicester City Council/European Commission/THE ISSUE Consortium, 2011-2015).


  • Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Zone: Responsible for undertaking site options analysis to identify the preferred site for Leicester and Leicestershire’s first Enterprise Zone, as well as supporting the preparation of the initial Expression of Interest to Government, the Business Case to establish the Enterprise Zone on the MIRA Technology Park and the final submission to Government for Enterprise Zone designation (for Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, 2011).


  • Three Universities Strategic Coordination Project: Responsible for initiating, developing and delivering joint initiatives between Leicestershire’s three universities (Leicester, Loughborough and De Montfort), local industry and the public sector. Including initiatives to stimulate enterprise growth and graduate entrepreneurship, facilitate technology transfer and promote the use of technology to achieve sustainable transport (for Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/University of Leicester/Loughborough University/De Montfort University, 2008-2011).


  • Public Sector Relocation Project: Responsible for initiating, developing and managing a sub-regional public-private sector collaborative response to the Lyons Review (2004) to secure the relocation of civil service functions from London to Leicester and Leicestershire. Including writing and implementing a strategic sub-regional marketing and promotional campaign; coordinating the production of print and video marketing collateral; establishing a dedicated relocation website; leading missions to interested civil service departments in London and organising and hosting local site visits (on behalf of Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd, 2004-2008).


  • North West Leicestershire Economic, Environmental and Community Regeneration Programme: Responsible for devising and leading the delivery of North West Leicestershire District Council’s Long Term Regeneration Programme to address the economic, social and environmental impact of the closure of the area’s deep coal mines: helping to reduce the District’s unemployment rate from a baseline of 18% (with pockets over 30%) in 1993 to under 1.5% by 2004; supporting the creation of a diversified local economy that outperformed the rest of Leicestershire; attracting significant inward investment; completing successful ‘award-winning’ land reclamation, property development and area regeneration programmes, business support and skills training initiatives and giving new life to former mining communities (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1994-2004).


  • Skills Mapping Skills Development Project: Responsible for developing and managing the delivery of a multi-agency project funded through the European Social Fund to reduce skills gaps and tackle barriers to training for employers, employees, under-employed and unemployed in North West Leicestershire (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 2002-2004).


  • Bespoke e-Business Project: Responsible for developing and managing the delivery of a multi-agency project funded through the European Social Fund to promote e-business and e-commerce in North West Leicestershire (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 2002-2004).


  • ‘Making the Links’ Programme: Responsible for leading the successful bidding process and managing the four-year ‘Making the Links’ Programme, a multi-agency cross-border initiative funded through Round 6 of the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB), delivering a community-based urban regeneration programme to tackle deprivation, worklessness, and issues of health, crime and drugs across some of the most deprived wards in the Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area (for North West Leicestershire District Council/ Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Partnership, 2000-2004).


  • ‘Community Connections’ Programme: Responsible for leading the successful bidding process and managing the five year ‘Community Connections’ Programme, a multi-agency cross-border initiative funded through SRB 5, delivering a coordinated community-based rural regeneration programme to tackle deprivation in former rural mining communities within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area (for North West Leicestershire District Council/ Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Partnership, 1999-2004).


  • ‘Conkers’ National Forest Discovery Centre: Leading the project team responsible for the reclamation of the former Rawdon Colliery site in Moira, Leicestershire to provide the site for the construction of ‘Conkers’, the award-winning £3 million Millennium Commission-funded ‘National Forest Discovery Centre’ (Conkers). Subsequently becoming a founding Board Director of Forest Experience Limited, the company established to manage Conkers (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1999-2004).


  • Rawdon Business Park and Workspace Development Project: Leading the project team responsible for developing the Rawdon Business Park on the site of the former Rawdon Colliery in Moira Leicestershire, including the construction of Marquis Court – a 25,000sqft development of light industrial units and leveraging private sector investment for additional speculative workspace development (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1999-2004).


  • Whitwick Business Centre: Leading the Project Team responsible for securing the funding and the design, construction, marketing, letting and operational management of a 20,000sqft managed workspace comprising of 21 Individual office/light industrial units with a managed reception and conference rooms in Coalville, Leicestershire (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1998-2004).


  • Community Regeneration Programmes for Former Mining Communities: Responsible for managing a range of community regeneration programmes in partnership with community organisations in former rural mining communities and deprived outer urban housing estates in North West Leicestershire. This included physical and economic renewal initiatives, including: environmental improvement schemes; housing renewal schemes, workforce development programmes; redevelopment of derelict buildings. Community capacity building and social inclusion initiatives, including facilitating community forums and community participation exercises to develop local area-based regeneration strategies and action plans; establish community enterprises, co-operatives, development trusts, credit unions and community-led one stop shops (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1995-2004).


  • Heart of the National Forest Project: Responsible for leading the Project Team that delivered a £5 million mixed-use capital regeneration scheme to reclaim a derelict former colliery site and transport depot and kick-started the development of the National Forest’s tourist potential. Involving the construction of the Heart of the National Forest Visitor Centre (now Conkers Waterside), craft workshops, office development (headquarters of the National Forest Company) and a training centre (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1995-1998).


  • North West Leicestershire Coalfields Physical Regeneration Programme: Leading the successful bidding process and managing a multi-agency team for the implementation of a £10 million programme of local area-based capital regeneration projects to reclaim and regenerate former colliery sites in the Coalfields Priority Area within North West Leicestershire, funded through the RECHAR II (European Regional Development Fund) programme for former coalfields areas (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1995-2001).


  • Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Programme: Jointly leading the successful bidding process and delivery of a five-year £15 million cross-agency and cross-border initiative funded through Round 1 of the SRB Programme, delivering a coordinated cross-border programme of action to tackle the economic, environmental and social impacts of the closure of the deep coal mining industry within the Coalfields Priority Area (for North West Leicestershire District Council/ Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Partnership, 1994-1999).


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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