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Engaging the services of Pentuple Consulting will enable clients to benefit from specific expertise and a 30 year track record of consistent achievement and success, gained through delivering a wide ranging portfolio of projects, programmes and assignments within the public sector and in private consultancy.


The breadth, depth and transferability of our experience and skills means we are able to add value for a client in a very short space of time. We have a clarity of purpose and are agile and flexible. We are capable of adapting our skills and expertise to serve as a catalyst for positive change in a wide range of situations and sectors, even those that are new to us. 


This archive illustrates the breadth and depth of the experience available within Pentuple Consulting. We have classified this experience into four categories, including a brief description of the role, responsibilities and activities involved, indicating consultancy support or direct employment and the year of completion.


The four categories are summarised below, together with a link to more detailed information on specific examples of previous projects and assignments.


Project and Programme Management

We are experienced project managers. We provide clarity on what needs to be done, ensure a solution is fully aligned to the desired change and then make it happen. This includes providing ‘hands-on’ project oversight, coordination and delivery support across the whole project life cycle from start-up to completion, ensuring momentum is maintained throughout the process.


We have managed projects across a wide variety of sectors and scale, from small through to large scale projects with complex funding and partnering arrangements, operating in challenging environments. We have supported local authorities, small and medium sized businesses, universities, community organisations and community groups.


Click on the link below for examples of the breadth and depth of project and programme management work undertaken whilst working within the public sector and in private consultancy.

Strategic Management (Policy, Strategy, Action Planning)

The ability to translate detailed analysis into actionable insights in emerging policy areas and evidence-based strategies and action plans that set the context for strategic planning decisions, present a coherent vision and rationale for change, set out clear and well understood goals, build on inherent strengths and outline the steps needed to achieve change is a key strength of Pentuple Consulting. 


We offer clients an objective perspective and fresh insight to help understand, shape or challenge emerging policy areas. We are also experienced in providing the link between strategic issues and the development of spatial strategies and the delivery of public sector services


Click on the link below for examples of the breadth and depth of strategic management work undertaken whilst working within the public sector and in private consultancy.

Securing Project and Programme Funding

We know how to secure grant funding for projects and programmes. We are able to offer clients the benefit of over 25 years’ experience of writing successful bids that have secured millions of pounds of UK and European project and programme funding through open, competitive bidding calls.


We are experienced in preparing grant funding bids for the public sector, businesses, universities and local communities. This includes bids for small projects seeking modest funding amounts as well as large complex projects and programmes requiring millions of pounds of grant funding and supporting investment.


Click on the link below for examples of the breadth and depth of work undertaken preparing and submitting grant funding proposals on behalf of local authorities and other public sector bodies, businesses, universities and community organisations.

Cross-Sector Partnership Building and Collaboration

We have a strong commitment to partnership working. Facilitating cross-sector collaborations, developing effective ‘change’ partnerships, securing ‘buy-in’ and empowering others to work more effectively together is a hallmark of Pentuple Consulting’s approach. This includes establishing and coordinating small community-led forums and partnerships through to complex, high performing multi-agency partnerships and ‘triple-helix’ consortia at a European level.


We build effective working relationships across internal and external stakeholders on complex strategic issues and policy matters. We influence and engage with colleagues, partners and customers at all levels within complex strategic planning or politically sensitive situations to achieve consensus on the need for change and secure commitment to making it happen. We facilitate the formation of partnerships for change. In doing so, we bring the right people together to achieve consensus on the need for change, secure commitment to making change happen, agree the scope, desired outcomes and time-lines for a project, ensuring things get done on the project and that it is implemented successfully;


Click on the link below for examples of the breadth and depth of work undertaken whilst working within the public sector and in private consultancy to build cross-sector and multi-agency partnerships and facilitate their activities.


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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