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Project Design and


We know what makes for a successful project: a well-defined rationale for intervention, an explicit 'logic model', clearly defined objectives, activities and responsibilities, underpinned by a robust and realistic model of expected costs, benefits and risks. We have a proven track record of turning strategic goals into successful projects that deliver meaningful change on the ground and achieve agreed outcomes.


We adopt a Logical Framework Approach to finding the right solution to an important issue. This approach provides a highly effective methodology for managing the process of designing and developing a new project. It helps participants maintain a clarity of purpose throughout the process, so that everyone involved is clearly focussed on the job in hand. It also helps ensure that a project addresses the root causes behind the need for change, rather than the symptoms.

Our Services Life Cycle Diagram v4 Step

We believe the process of designing and developing new projects needs to be a collaborative process. We specialise in bringing people and ideas together in a collaborative manner to find the right solutions and turn them into successful projects. We are experienced in creating the right environment in which to encourage participation, stimulate creative thinking and an interchange of knowledge and information. This approach helps generate breakthrough ideas and identify creative solutions  . It also provides the opportunity to arrive at a consensus of agreement on the right solution as well as facilitate a discussion on potential barriers to change, how to avoid them and what to do if any are encountered.


This Logical Framework Approach helps promote active engagement, involvement and ownership amongst stakeholders because they can experience being part of a creative process and have a hand in developing something tangible. It is also a user-friendly approach as it is not dependent on complex software or programmes, nor requires the use of complex language and is logical in its implementation.


Our approach also helps facilitate the decision making process to find a pragmatic project solution. In many cases, there may undoubtedly be more than one potential solution. We are experienced in taking clients, their partners and key stakeholders through the decision making process, giving them the opportunity to carefully consider all the potential solutions that have been identified, whilst ensuring their focus is maintained on what it is exactly that is needed to be accomplished. This approach will help ensure the most pragmatic solution is chosen – a solution that can actually be implemented in practice, rather than the ‘ideal’ solution.



































































































Our Services


For clients looking for support to turn their ideas into successful projects that can deliver a desired change and associated benefits, we offer the following services:


  • Facilitating collaborative project planning and design workshops using a logical framework and participatory approach to engage with partners, key stakeholders, local communities, the specific target audience and other potential beneficiaries to stimulate a collaborative discussion to generate innovative ideas, identify potential solutions and arrive at a pragmatic solution. This may process may also include the facilitation of visioning, scoping and scenario planning exercises.


  • Leading a strategic planning exercise: to reflect on ‘why’ a project is needed, including consideration of the strategic intent and overarching goals underpinning the idea for a project, together with the rationale and purpose of a project, in relation to the desired changes expected after a project’s deliverables are in place and the benefits that will arise.


  • Leading a project design and development process to consider what a project must produce, how it will get there, who will be responsible for its delivery and when it will be delivered. Other considerations will include what success will look like and how it will be measured, the steps that will be taken to monitor progress and evaluate achievements, the critical assumptions will need to be made, as well as the risk factors that will need to be assessed. A critical output of this activity will be the preparation of a project plan outlining the specific project tasks to be undertaken, the financial and human resources required, who will be responsible for undertaking the tasks and when will the tasks be delivered.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





Our Experience


We offer many years’ experience of designing and developing projects for and on behalf of the public sector, businesses, universities and local communities, at the neighbourhood, local, sub-regional and trans-national level, for example:


  • Urban Healthy Living Project: designing and developing a project to demonstrate the beneficial interventions for public policy making of innovative new satellite enabled air pollution mapping and dynamic route planning tools and services to actively manage adverse ambient air pollution exposure in Bicester Healthy New Town and Belfast City.


  • PMLD Day Opportunities Project: developing a community initiative in Leicestershire to promote an innovative approach to the design, funding and delivery of a new day service in Leicestershire for young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities.


  • THE ISSUE Project: designing and developing a 4 year €2.75 million European transport innovation project to develop a programme of innovative near-to-market intelligent transport and urban mobility solutions harnessing Space and ICT technologies to support smart, green integrated transport and urban mobility.


  • Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Zone: undertaking site options analysis project to identify the preferred site for Leicester and Leicestershire’s first Enterprise Zone.


  • Three Universities Strategic Coordination Project: initiating, developing and coordinating the delivery of a joint project between Leicestershire’s three universities to stimulate enterprise growth and graduate entrepreneurship, facilitate technology transfer and promote the use of technology to achieve sustainable transport.


  • Public Sector Relocation Project: initiating, developing and managing a sub-regional public-private sector collaborative response to the Lyons Review (2004) to secure the relocation of civil service functions from London to Leicester and Leicestershire.


  • North West Leicestershire Economic, Environmental and Community Regeneration Programme: developing, managing and delivering North West Leicestershire District Council’s Long Term Regeneration Programme to address the economic, social and environmental impact of the closure of the area’s deep coal mines.


  • ESF Skills Mapping Skills Development Project: developing and managing the delivery of multi-agency project to reduce skills gaps and tackle barriers to training for employers, employees, under-employed and unemployed in North West Leicestershire.


  • ESF Bespoke e-Business Project: developing and managing the delivery of a multi-agency project to promote e-business and e-commerce in North West Leicestershire.


  • ‘Making the Links’ Programme: developing and delivering a community-based urban regeneration programme to tackle deprivation, worklessness, and issues of health, crime and drugs in deprived outer urban housing estates in the Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.


  • ‘Community Connections’ Programme: developing and delivering a multi-agency cross-border initiative to tackle rural deprivation in former mining communities within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.


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