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Project Management

We are experienced project managers: we provide clarity on what needs to be done, ensure a solution is fully aligned to the desired change and then make it happen.


We are experienced in managing a broad range of projects for and on behalf of the public sector, businesses and community organisations and groups.


We manage a wide variety of projects, ranging from small community projects through to large scale projects with complex funding and partnering arrangements, operating in challenging environments.

Our role, as change catalysts, is to enable and empower clients to act on putting their own project solutions into practice. We offer a range of services and support to assist clients through the whole project life cycle from start-up to completion, ensuring momentum is maintained throughout the process.

Our Services Life Cycle Diagram v4 Step

This support includes:

  • Supporting project initiation, planning and design, including shaping or strengthening a client’s brief so that a project is well aligned to the client's objectives.

  • Facilitating the process of bringing the right people together, setting up appropriate support, delivery and governance arrangements, where appropriate, and developing robust monitoring and evaluation strategies and performance and financial monitoring systems.

  • Providing ‘hands-on’ project oversight, coordination and delivery support, ensuring the client’s objectives are followed throughout the implementation of the project and reflected in the decision making process, that it achieves its specific goals and meets the agreed success criteria at the specified time.

  • Supporting tendering, negotiation and contract management and reporting stages.

  • Managing a project team, where appropriate.


We are experienced in managing a broad spectrum of projects across a range of sectors and scales, delivered for and on behalf of the public sector, businesses and community organisations and groups. This includes small community projects through to large scale projects and multi-project programmes with complex funding and partnering arrangements, operating in challenging environments.

We also have a proven ability to manage multi-disciplinary project teams and technical experts. We are also able to synthesise, analyse and present technical evidence and advice in a clear, concise and coherent manner so that it is easily understood by the client, its partners, key stakeholders and intended beneficiaries and address the key areas in which decisions need to be made.

We know from practical experience that not every project needs to adhere to a formal project management process – if applied in inappropriate cases it can sometimes make the processes involved overly complicated. In our experience, we have found that many projects only require a number of basic and straightforward project management practices, which if used consistently, will ensure it delivers the right results on time and within budget. Nevertheless, where appropriate we are also able to adopt a Prince2 compliant methodology to manage the project delivery process.

There are a number of useful lessons from formal project management training that we recommend should apply to all projects and not just to large projects with complex funding and partnering arrangements. These are:

1. The importance of bringing the right people together to manage a project.

2. The need for good project documentation.


We are well equipped to facilitate the process of bringing the right people together for a project and setting up appropriate support and governance arrangements, where appropriate, such as a Project Board or Steering Group. We also ensure each project is well documented. This includes writing down and regularly reviewing the project scope, desired outcomes and timelines, as well as who is responsible for each task. This includes preparing a project delivery plan, a project budget, a risk analysis report and regular project progress reports. In most cases, we favour a formal reporting structure, in the form of a short report and the use of the RAG ‘traffic light’ approach to monitor progress (Green = a task is on track, Amber = a task is at risk of delay or problems, Red = a task is suffering delays or problems).













































































Our Services

For those looking to put their own project solutions into practice and seeking a safe and experienced pair of hands to help you manage that process, we offer the following services:

  • Providing ‘hands-on’ day-to-day project oversight, coordination and delivery support for large and small scale projects across all stages of the project life-cycle from conception to completion.

  • Preparing and conduction performance monitoring exercises.

  • Rescuing failing projects and dealing with short-term reporting, compliance or audit requirements to meet external funding obligations.

  • Managing project teams of technical experts and presenting technical evidence and advice in a clear, concise and coherent manner that is easily understood by the client, stakeholders and intended beneficiaries.

  • Community capacity building to enable and empower community organisations and groups to act on delivering their own projects.

Get in Touch

If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

Our Experience

We offer many years’ experience of leading, coordinating and managing the delivery of projects and programmes, ranging from small scale neighbourhood projects to trans-national projects with complex funding and partnering arrangements, for example:

  • Urban Healthy Living Project: project management support and user engagement coordination to demonstrate the beneficial interventions for public policy making of innovative new satellite enabled air pollution mapping and dynamic route planning tools and services to actively manage adverse ambient air pollution exposure in Bicester Healthy New Town and Belfast City.

  • PMLD Day Opportunities Project: project managing a community initiative in Leicestershire to develop an innovative new day service in Leicestershire for young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities.

  • NHS Healthy New Towns Feasibility Study: project management support to demonstrate ‘proof of concept’ for innovative new satellite-enabled air quality mapping and dynamic route planning tools to improve the effectiveness of public policy making, development planning to reduce exposure to air pollution and encourage active travel in the Bicester, Ebbsfleet and Darlington Healthy New Towns.

  • THE ISSUE Project: project director of a 4 year €2.75 million European transport innovation project, involving managing a consortium of 13 core European partners and 21 associate European partners from 12 European regional “triple-helix” clusters, to prepare a programme of innovative near-to-market intelligent transport and urban mobility solutions harnessing Space and ICT technologies to support smart, green integrated transport and urban mobility.

  • Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Zone: project managing a site options analysis to identify the preferred site for Leicester and Leicestershire’s first Enterprise Zone.

  • Three Universities Strategic Coordination Project: coordinating the delivery of a 3 year collaborative project between Leicestershire’s three universities to stimulate enterprise growth and graduate entrepreneurship, facilitate technology transfer and promote the use of technology to achieve sustainable transport.

  • Public Sector Relocation Project: project managing a 3 year sub-regional public-private sector collaborative response to the Lyons Review (2004) to secure the relocation of civil service functions from London to Leicester and Leicestershire.

  • North West Leicestershire Economic, Environmental and Community Regeneration Programme: leading and managing the delivery of a 10 year regeneration programme to address the economic, social and environmental impact of the closure of the area’s deep coal mines.

  • ESF Skills Mapping Skills Development Project: project managing the delivery of two year multi-agency project to reduce skills gaps and tackle barriers to training for employers, employees, under-employed and unemployed in North West Leicestershire.

  • ESF Bespoke e-Business Project: project managing the delivery of a two year multi-agency project to promote e-business and e-commerce in North West Leicestershire.

  • ‘Making the Links’ Programme: managing a multi-agency team for the delivery of a four year cross-border community-based urban regeneration programme to tackle deprivation, worklessness, and issues of health, crime and drugs in deprived outer urban housing estates in the Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.

  • ‘Community Connections’ Programme: managing a multi-agency team for the delivery of a five year cross-border initiative to tackle rural deprivation in former mining communities within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.

  • ‘Conkers’ National Forest Discovery Centre: managing a project team to reclaim the former Rawdon Colliery site in Moira, Leicestershire to provide the site for the construction of ‘Conkers’, the award-winning £3 million Millennium Commission-funded ‘National Forest Discovery Centre’ (Conkers).

  • Rawdon Business Park and Workspace Development Project: managing a project team to develop a new business park on the site of the former Rawdon Colliery in Moira Leicestershire, including the construction of light industrial units and leveraging private sector investment for additional speculative workspace development.

  • Whitwick Business Centre: managing a project team to design, construct, market, let and manage the operation of a 20,000sqft managed workspace in Coalville, Leicestershire.

  • Heart of the National Forest Project: managing a project team to deliver a four year £5 million mixed-use capital regeneration scheme to reclaim a derelict former colliery site and transport depot, develop the Heart of the National Forest Visitor Centre (now Conkers Waterside), craft workshops, office development (headquarters of the National Forest Company) and a training centre.

  • North West Leicestershire Coalfields Physical Regeneration Programme: managing a multi-agency team for the implementation of a five year £10 million programme of local area-based capital regeneration projects to reclaim and regenerate former colliery sites in the Coalfields Priority Area within North West Leicestershire.

  • Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Programme: joint manager of a five-year £15 million cross-agency and cross-border programme to tackle the economic, environmental and social impacts of the closure of the deep coal mining industry within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area.

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