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Supporting the delivery of self-generated projects demonstrating the use of innovative new technology-based tools and services to enhance policy making and enable smarter, more efficient delivery of public services in areas relating to air quality, strategic planning, place shaping, urban healthy living, public health management and local sustainable transport planning.


For example:


  • The Urban Healthy Living Project in Bicester and Belfast, funded through the UK Space Agency's Space for Smarter Government Programme.


  • The NHS-funded Healthy New Towns Feasibility Study in Bicester, Elmsfleet and Darlington.

Project Management

Preparing feasibility studies and demand assessments.


For example:


  • Investigating the feasibility and demand for a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in North East Lincolnshire to support the renewables energy sector, involving demand analyses and stakeholder engagement exercises with national government policy level and industry stakeholders and influencers, regional and local stakeholders, potential partners and prospective end-users (for North East Lincolnshire Council).

Evidence Building

Encouraging innovation in the design, funding and delivery of health and social care services. Facilitating new models of collaborative working between local community groups, private sector providers and the public sector to find solutions to important local issues.


For example:


  • Establishing a unique new day service in Leicestershire for young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities, who are at the most severe end of the PMLD spectrum; involving:

    • Encouraging parents to work together and pool resources.

    • Establishing a dialogue between parents, local authorities, the NHS and private providers.

    • Preparing a robust business case highlighting gaps in the market and proposing a model for the provision of a day services specifically for young adults in this area of need.

    • Undertaking a soft market testing exercise to determine market interest.

    • Coordinating a marketing campaign to demonstrate demand from potential service-users.

    • Facilitating the development of a new joint venture between potential service users and a private provider.

    • Identifying suitable premises for the new service.

    • Supporting the planning and design of necessary adaptations, service provision, staff training and recruitment and operational management of the new service.

Project Management

To be annouced


To be announced


Preparing vision papers, strategic guidance and policy briefings for public sector clients in relation to exploiting emerging local economic opportunities, including opportunities associated with the offshore and onshore renewable energy sector and the transition to a low carbon economy.


For example:


  • Preparing Vision Paper: ‘Stronger Economy, Stronger Communities: Vision Of A Low Carbon Future For North East Lincolnshire’ for North East Lincolnshire Council.

Strategic Management

Preparing successful funding bids on behalf of public sector and innovation-led SME clients to support sustainable economic growth, technological innovation, urban healthy living and the progression to a low carbon future.


For example:


  • Supporting funding bids to:

    • UK Space Agency

    • East Midlands Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications (EM SatApps)

    • European Regional Development Fund (Priority 4: supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy)

    • NHS and Science and Technology Facilities Council

Securing Grant Funding

Facilitating public sector partnerships and managing cross-sector collaborations involving local authorities, public health authorities, healthcare providers and innovation-led small and medium sized businesses.


For example:


  • Facilitating end-user engagement and demonstration trials in Bicester and Belfast as part of the SSGP-funded Urban Healthy Living Project.

Partnership Building

Providing independent assessor and evaluator services for public sector funding programmes.


For example:


  • RSSB Train Operator Competition.

Project Management

Advisory Board Member for Breaking Barriers Innovations, which supports place-based transformation in public services.



If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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