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Economic and Community Regeneration

We offer practical, results-driven consultancy support to local authorities, other public bodies and community organisations to help develop a more proactive and integrated approach to the regeneration of places and communities.


We bring to assignments over 20 years’ practical ‘real-world’ experience of driving forward and delivering regeneration programmes that have addressed local challenges and opportunities and facilitated the economic, physical and social regeneration of places and communities. This includes direct experience working within the public sector leading regeneration departments and managing multi-disciplinary teams delivering complex multi-million pound economic, community and environmental regeneration programmes for district, county and unitary local authorities, economic development companies, local enterprise partnerships and strategic sub-regional partnerships. In addition, providing strategic regeneration consultancy support to the public sector to stimulate, enable and drive forward cooperative cross-border, cross-sector regeneration solutions.















































































































































How We Support Economic, Physical and Community Regeneration


Our key areas of regeneration experience include:


  • Leading project teams delivering multi-million pound mixed-use capital regeneration schemes to reclaim derelict land and bring it back into productive use, construct new industrial and commercial workspace, release new employment land, deliver environmental improvement schemes, manage business support, training and skills development schemes and kick-start local heritage-based tourism initiatives.


  • Delivering multi-million pound cross-agency and cross-border regeneration programmes to tackle the economic, environmental and social impacts following the decline of an area's traditional industrial base.


  • Leading the preparation and implementation of local area-based regeneration programmes to support the regeneration of specific sites, local areas, neighbourhoods and communities.


  • Managing community regeneration programmes in partnership with community organisations in former rural mining communities and deprived outer urban housing estates, involving:


  • Physical and economic renewal initiatives, including: environmental improvement schemes; housing renewal schemes, workforce development programmes; redevelopment of derelict buildings.


  • Supporting local community-based regeneration partnerships and forums and facilitating the development of community-led local area-based regeneration strategies and action plans to empower local communities and neighbourhoods to develop a shared vision for the regeneration of their local area, leading to the implementation of programmes to tackle economic and social deprivation, redevelopment of derelict buildings, environmental improvements, housing renewal, workforce development and issues of health, crime and drugs.


  • Supporting the establish community enterprises, co-operatives, development trusts, credit unions and community-led one stop shops


  • Preparing economic and community regeneration strategies and programmes to support the regeneration of specific sites, local areas, neighbourhoods and communities.


  • Securing external UK and European funding to take forward economic, physical and community regeneration projects and programmes.


  • Preparing cross-regional tourism and regeneration strategies to provide a strategic and coordinated approach to tourism and regeneration activity.


  • Managing Heritage Economic Regeneration Schemes funded through English Heritage.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.




Our Focus


Steve brings to Pentuple Consulting a strong reputation for making things happen and an impressive track record of delivering sustainable economic growth, the regeneration of places and communities and creating stronger, more vibrant local communities. For example, he spent over 10 years leading the successful regeneration of the former Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields area: supporting the creation of a diversified local economy; attracting significant inward investment; completing successful ‘award-winning’ land reclamation, employment land and area regeneration programmes and bringing new life to deprived former rural mining communities.:


  • Help build stronger, more responsive, competitive and sustainable local economies;


  • Support business growth, innovation and improved productivity;


  • Improve the vitality and viability of town and village centres;


  • Strengthen and diversify rural economies;


  • Promote tourism development;


  • Develop a strategic and coordinated cross-border approach to employment land planning policy and development.

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