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We know how to secure grant funding for projects and programmes. We are able to offer clients the benefit of over 25 years’ experience and a long and successful track record of writing successful bids that have secured millions of pounds of UK and European project and programme funding through open, competitive bidding calls.


We are experienced in preparing grant funding bids for the public sector, businesses, universities and local communities. This includes bids for small projects seeking modest funding amounts as well as large complex projects and programmes requiring millions of pounds of grant funding and supporting investment.


Outlined below are examples of the breadth and depth of work undertaken whilst working within the public sector and in private consultancy to prepare and submit grant funding proposals for a wide range of public, business and community sector projects and programmes.

Securing Project and Programme Funding


  • NHS England/UK Space Agency/European Space Agency: Co-author of funding bid to deliver a project to integrate a real time air pollution service into healthcare management using advanced digital self-management technology, to be delivered by an interdisciplinary team of health professionals, air quality experts and motivational change experts (in collaboration with Geospatial Insights Ltd, Redshift Associates Ltd, 2019).


  • UK Space Agency/Space for Smarter Government Programme: Co-author of successful funding proposal to UK Space Agency’s Space for Smarter Government Programme for the Urban Healthy Living Project to demonstrate the use of innovative new satellite enabled air pollution monitoring and mitigation tools to enable more effective public policy making and smarter, more efficient delivery of public services in Bicester Healthy New Town and Belfast Smart City (in collaboration with Geospatial Insight Ltd, Redshift Associates Ltd, 2018).


  • NHS England/Science and Technology Facilities Council: Supporting the bidding process to secure funding for the NHS Healthy New Towns Feasibility Study in Bicester, Ebbsfleet and Darlington (in collaboration with Satellite Applications Catapult/Geospatial Insight Ltd, Redshift Associates Ltd, 2018).


  • EU ERDF: Responsible for initiating a funding proposal, building a bidding consortium, writing a successful ESIF Outline Application for £2.9 million ERDF funding and securing match funding for the £5.9 million “Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle Technology and Infrastructure (ULEVETI) Project for Leicester & Leicestershire”. The project aimed to bridge the gap between initial research and commercial launch of new and emerging low carbon and ultra-low emission vehicle technologies, including support for technological development, field testing and the provision of supporting infrastructure (e.g. electric charging points and hydrogen fuelling station) (in collaboration with EAE Consulting Ltd/CENEX/Leicester City Council/De Montfort University/Loughborough University, 2016).


  • EU Horizon 2020: Responsible for coordinating the preparation of a Trans-European consortium bid for €11 million to the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme to support the “Mobile for Mobility (M4M) Project”, a large scale demonstration of co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems across major Europe cities (on behalf of European ‘triple-helix’ consortium of industry-academia-government partners, 2016).


  • EU Horizon 2020: Undertaking the role of ‘Critical Friend’ on the preparation of “Mobile for Emergencies: Information and Communication Technology Management System for Emergencies (M4EM) Project”. This was a Trans-European consortium bid for €10 million bid to the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme to develop a set of informative cooperative satellite-enabled tools to help the emergency services better forecast and manage the immediate consequences of weather and climate-related disasters (on behalf of European ‘triple-helix’ consortium of 20 industry-academia-government partners, 2016).


  • UK Government (OLEV): Co-author of a £11.7 million bid for the “GoUltraLo Leicester Project” to the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) to deliver an innovative five-year programme of measures to transform the local plug-in car market in Leicester, achieve a step-change in the uptake of Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles, deliver measurable improvements in air quality and support innovation, business growth and the creation of new and better jobs (in collaboration with EAE Consulting Ltd/Leicester City Council, 2015).


  • EU FP7: Co-author of a funding proposal that secured €2.75 million from European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme for “THE ISSUE” Project – including leading contract negotiations with the European Commission, preparing a Consortium Agreement, establishing and managing post-award delivery arrangements (for Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/THE ISSUE Project Consortium, 2010).


  • HEFCE: Co-author of a funding bid to HEFCE for the development of a new model of leadership, governance and management to enable the University of Leicester, Loughborough University, De Montfort University and Further Education Institutions in Leicester & Leicestershire to collaborate more effectively and within the Local Enterprise Partnership to promote graduate entrepreneurship and help build a stronger and more innovative local economy (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd, Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, 2010).


  • UK Government (RDA): Author of a series of funding bids that secured a total of over £2 million of Regional Development Agency funding to deliver a range of regeneration, economic development, tourism, inward investment and business development projects and programmes for Leicester and Leicestershire (on behalf of Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd, 2004-2008).


  • EU ESF: Responsible for writing a successful funding bid to secure European Social Fund resources to deliver a project to reduce skills gaps and tackle barriers to training for employers, employees, under-employed and unemployed (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 2001-2004).


  • EU ESF: Responsible for writing a successful funding bid to secure European Social Fund resources to deliver a project to promote e-business and e-commerce in North West Leicestershire (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 2001-2004).


  • UK Government (SRB6): Responsible for preparing a successful funding bid to secure Single Regeneration Budget (Round 6) funding to deliver the ‘Making the Links’ Programme, a four-year multi-agency, cross-border community-based urban regeneration programme to tackle deprivation, worklessness, and issues of health, crime and drugs in the deprived wards of Coalville, Ashby and Woodville in the Leicestershire & South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 2000-2004).


  • UK Government (SRB5): Responsible for preparing a successful funding bid to secure Single Regeneration Budget (Round 5) funding to deliver the ‘Community Connections’ Programme, a five-year multi-agency, cross-border community-based rural regeneration programme to tackle deprivation in former rural mining communities within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1999-2004).


  • UK Government (SRB1): Co-author of a successful funding bid to secure Single Regeneration Budget (Round 1) funding to deliver the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Programme, a five-year cross-border programme of action to tackle the economic, environmental and social impacts of the closure of the deep coal mining industry within the Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Priority Area (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1994-1999).


  • EU RECHAR II: Responsible for leading the successful bidding process to secure £10 million from the EU’s RECHAR II (ERDF) Programme for a programme of local area-based capital regeneration projects to reclaim and regenerate former colliery sites in the Coalfields Priority Area within North West Leicestershire (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1995-2001).


  • UK Government (RDC): Co-creator of the original concept/vision and co-author of the successful funding bid for the initial £1 million for the Heart of the National Forest Project at the derelict former colliery site at Bath Yard, Moira from Round 2 of the Rural Challenge Competition in 1995. Subsequently, leading the Project Team that successfully secured a further £5 million funding from the Rural Development Commission and others to deliver a mixed-use capital regeneration scheme to reclaim the derelict former colliery site and construct the Heart of the National Forest Visitor Centre, craft workshops, office development and a training centre (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1994-1998).


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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