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It is important to ensure when planning for action to deliver a desired change that this process is not conducted in isolation. It is vital that any proposed change is put into a wider strategic context in order to ensure effective decision making. Considering the wider strategic context will also help provide a better understanding of the critical factors and potential barriers that could shape and influence the ability to deliver change.


Those planning for change need to be aware of what else may be happening or planned and what has been attempted in the past. Consideration also needs to be given to the prevailing economic, social and political environment locally and wider afield. Other influencing factors include the availability of resources, the relative strengths and weaknesses within any 'change' partnership to plan, manage and deliver change, as well as cultural issues and other local political influences.

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It is important to ensure when planning for action to deliver a desired change that this process is not conducted in isolation.  It is vital that any proposed change is put into a wider strategic context. Considering the wider strategic context will also help provide a better understanding of the critical factors and potential barriers that could shape and influence the ability to deliver change.


Those planning for change need to be aware of what else may be happening or planned and what has been attempted in the past. Consideration also needs to be given to the prevailing economic, social and political environment locally and wider afield. Other influencing factors include the availability of resources, the relative strengths and weaknesses within any 'change' partnership to plan, manage and deliver change, as well as cultural issues and other local political influences.

Setting the context for change will also help connect the dots between why a change is necessary, what outcomes are envisaged, how those outcomes will be achieved, who will be responsible for delivering those outcomes and what will that change look like at the end. The answers to these questions will also help create the motivation needed for change to happen. It will help shape behaviours, change perceptions, help people be ‘ready’ for change and more committed to ‘buy-in’ to that change, as well as become more invested in seeing that change implemented on the ground.


The process of setting the context for any proposed change involves the development of a coherent vision, clear and well-understood end goals, and a robust evidence-based strategy and action plan. These activities will draw on the work already undertaken in the previous steps to gain a better understanding of the need for change and building a consensus for change. They will also help shape the later steps of finding the right solutions and acting on putting those solutions into practice.


Shared Vision


A coherent vision of a desired change is needed to paint a 'picture' of the future and outline the end goals and the benefits that will be achieved following the change. It should be set out in the form of a vision statement that is clear enough to enable people to grasp it easily and be memorable. Developing a clear and coherent vision that is shared by key stakeholders will make it easier for everyone to understand and agree where a change should be heading and make them more likely to engage with the change and be committed to whatever tasks they may be asked to undertake.


Robust Evidence-Based Strategy


A robust evidence-based strategy and action plan, along with coherent policies and clear goals and priorities will help realise the vision that has been developed by setting out where you want to be and how you are going to get there. A good strategy should provide a clear vision and direction for achieving an agreed set of goals, identify appropriate delivery structures and the tactical arrangements for the deployment of the resources required. It should be creative and forward-thinking, but also pragmatic and practical to implement. It should seek to build on inherent strengths and focus only on those issues that can be directly changed and influenced. It should also clearly outline the criteria for success, including the key goals, deliverables, performance indicators and milestones by which success can be judged and monitored.


Action Planning


The process of working out how to turn the ideas and goals set out in a strategy into action and what action needs to be done to get there and make them a reality is known as action planning. This process should ideally be done as part of the strategic thinking process of developing the strategy. The key product of an action planning process is the preparation of an action plan.


An action plan is a detailed plan that sets out the steps to be taken and the actions or changes that are sought in order to ensure a strategy is successfully implemented. It will clarify in greater detail what resources are required to deliver the specified changes and activities, the roles and responsibilities of those charged with carrying out the changes and actions specified, and a timeline for when they will take place and for how long. It should also define the ongoing monitoring process to be adopted to ensure progress can be mapped against desired outcomes and outputs.


How We Can Help You: Policy, Strategy and Action Planning


The ability to translate detailed analysis into actionable insights and evidence-based strategies and action plans that set the context for change and decision making is a key strength of Pentuple Consulting. We ensure strategies present a coherent vision and direction for change, clear and well understood goals, build on inherent strengths and set out the steps needed to achieve change. We also ensure strategies and action plans are practical to implement, forward thinking, identify appropriate delivery structures and arrangements for the deployment of resources and focus on those issues that can be directly changed and influenced.


As experienced change catalysts, we understand the importance of making sure the process of preparing strategies and action plans is not undertaken in isolation. We know how to connect the dots between why a change is necessary, what outcomes are envisaged, how those outcomes will be achieved, who will be responsible for delivering those outcomes and what will that change look like at the end. We are also experienced in providing the link between strategic issues and the development of spatial strategies and the delivery of public sector services.

We can offer clients an objective perspective and fresh insight to help understand, shape or challenge emerging policy areas as well as set the context for change and the identify the steps needed to achieve it. We are able to prepare a strong and clear rationale for intervention, set the context for policy-based responses as well as shape and challenge emerging policy as it is being developed. We are also able to provide a better understanding of the critical factors and potential barriers that could shape and influence the ability to deliver change.


Our expertise is borne out of considerable practical experience working both within a public sector environment and in private consultancy, preparing strategies and action plans for and on behalf of local authorities, economic development companies, local enterprise partnerships, business organisations and local community organisations and groups. We offer an impressive track record of leading the implementation of the majority of those strategies and plans, which have made a real difference and delivered lasting change on the ground for people, places, businesses and local communities. We are experienced at producing strategies and action plans at a range of levels – ranging from neighbourhood, village, town, city, urban/rural, district, county to sub-regional, cross-regional and trans-national. 


We have experience of preparing position papers, vision papers, policy briefings, feasibility studies, strategies and action plans for a range of sectors and policy areas, including:


  • Economic development


  • Community development


  • Area and community-based regeneration


  • Urban healthy living


  • Air quality and the mitigation of the impact of air pollution on health and well-being


  • Renewable energy and the transition to a low carbon economy and clean economic growth


  • Tourism development and promotion


  • Employment land and workspace development


  • Sustainable transport


  • Urban renewal


  • Town centre and market town regeneration







































Our Services


For clients seeking strategic guidance and policy direction and support for the preparation of a strategy and action plan to set out the context for change and the steps needed to achieve it, we offer the following services:


  • Shaping and challenging emerging policy as it is being developed, through providing strategic policy guidance, undertaking policy investigations and preparing position papers, visioning statements, bfiefing reports and feasibility studies across a range of key sectors to address complex policy challenges and exploit emerging new economic and business opportunities.


  • Facilitating visioning and scoping exercises and user-engagement workshops to support the preparation of strategies and action plans.


  • Preparing strategies and action plans that promote sustainable growth and ensure economic and social benefits are realised locally, leading to stronger, more responsive, competitive and sustainable local economies and supporting the development of stronger, more vibrant, healthy and sustainable communities.


  • Preparing employment land reviews, site development briefs, local area assessments, transport assessments and travel planning exercises.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





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