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Our Services for

Small and Medium Sized Businesses

We offer a range of consultancy services that can help ‘make things happen’ for small and medium sized businesses. We provide additional capacity and expertise to help unlock a business’s potential for innovation, growth and expansion. 


We have the capability to ‘make a difference’ because we understand many of the challenges and opportunities facing small and medium sized businesses and what they really need to help them innovate and grow.


We also know how to communicate and engage effectively with small and medium sized businesses and understand the need to respond quickly and efficiently to deliver a specific task on time and to budget.

We understand many small businesses have ideas to expand and grow their business or wish to respond to new business opportunities but lack the capacity and expertise to make it happen while still managing their current day-to-day businesses activities. We are able to provide services and support to help in some of those areas.


We know how to write bids that secure project funding, we are experienced in bringing like-minded small businesses together and facilitating engagement with the public sector to open up new markets. We specialise in establishing public sector development partnerships for those seeking to demonstrate innovative new technology-enabled tools and services for uptake by the public sector and acting as an intermediary in the planning process.


Our services have been built on the back of many years’ experience in the public sector supporting the start-up, growth and expansion of businesses. Much of this work has been about creating the right environment in which businesses are able to flourish and grow. For example:


  • Delivering public sector property development schemes to provide start-up and grow-on workspace and new employment land.


  • Acting as an intermediary in the planning process, brokering negotiations between businesses and the local planning authority to find solutions for business expansion and relocation plans that are acceptable both from a planning policy point of view and make solid business sense.


  • Securing funding programmes to provide support schemes for businesses looking to innovate, grow and create new jobs.


  • Supporting skills and training schemes


  • Developing business networks to encourage business people, entrepreneurs and decision makers in the public sector to build close working relationships and create opportunities to develop new business opportunities.








































































Our Services for Small and Medium Sized Businesses


We help unlock a business’s potential for innovation, growth, expansion and the creation of new and better jobs by providing support to:


  • Write grant proposals and submit bids to secure grant funding to take forward plans for innovation and grow, including ensuring the proposal addresses the funder’s specific bidding criteria, presents a strong rationale and robust business case, is creative and innovative and will deliver outcomes that are tangible, clear and measurable but are in alignment with what the funder is seeking.


  • Facilitate engagement with the public sector to open up markets for new products and services, improve understanding of the priorities and user-requirements within the public sector and thereby open up opportunities to identify new gaps in the market.


  • Build public sector development partnerships and facilitate pilot studies, demonstration trials and pre-operational testing of new technology-enabled tools and services for uptake by the public sector to enhance public policy making and enable smarter, more efficient delivery of public services.


  • Engage with universities and not-for-profit research institutions to promote technology transfer and the commercialisation of newly-emerging applications of research and technology.


  • Serve as an intermediary with the local planning authority to find solutions for business expansion and relocation plans.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





Collaborating with small and medium sized businesses to deliver innovative projects with the public sector


In addition to delivering commissioned projects, we also collaborate as part of consortia of small and medium sized businesses to initiate and deliver projects of our own, usually in response to open calls for proposals from Government funding programmes. These projects are typically aimed at advancing the development of innovative new technology-based tools and services for uptake by the public sector to enhance policy making and enable smarter, more efficient delivery of public services. These self-generated projects are normally delivered in partnership with public sector end-users. Typically, our role in these projects focusses on facilitating public sector development partnerships, preparing project proposals, writing funding bids and managing the bidding process, providing project management support, coordinating end-user and stakeholder engagement, report writing, evaluation and dissemination.


If you have an idea for a collaboration with the public sector and need support to make it happen, contact us today.




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