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The ability to translate detailed analysis into actionable insights in emerging policy areas and evidence-based strategies and action plans that set the context for strategic planning decisions and delivering effective change on the ground is a key strength of Pentuple Consulting. We ensure strategies provide a better understanding of the wider context to delivering a desired change and highlight the critical factors and potential barriers that could shape and influence the ability to deliver change. We make sure they present a coherent vision and rationale for change, set out clear and well understood goals, build on inherent strengths and outline the steps needed to achieve change.


We offer clients an objective perspective and fresh insight to help understand, shape or challenge emerging policy areas. We are also experienced in providing the link between strategic issues and the development of spatial strategies and the delivery of public sector services


Outlined below are examples of the breadth and depth of strategic management work undertaken whilst working within the public sector and in private consultancy.

Strategic Management


  • Feasibility Study: Preparing a feasibility study and market intelligence report examining the rationale and potential demand at a national, regional and local level for the development of a Renewables Hub and Centre of Excellence for Carbon Reduction in North East Lincolnshire (in collaboration with DragonGate DGMI Ltd/North East Lincolnshire Council, 2017).


  • Vision Paper/Briefing Report/Whitehall Roundtable: Preparing the Vision Paper: “Stronger Economy, Stronger Communities: A Vision of a Low Carbon Future for North East Lincolnshire”. In addition, preparing an associated briefing report and supporting related Whitehall Roundtable events with senior civil servants (in collaboration with DragonGate DGMI Ltd/North East Lincolnshire Council, 2017)


  • Feasibility Study: Specialist consultant on the NHS Healthy New Towns Feasibility Study in Bicester, Ebbsfleet and Darlington to evaluate the scope inherent in Air Quality Action Plans for reducing the risk of a wide range of chronic 21st Century diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, as well as reviewing the potential of innovative new satellite-enabled air quality mapping and dynamic route planning tools to improve the effectiveness of public policy making and development planning to reduce exposure to air pollution and encourage active travel (in collaboration with Satellite Applications Catapult/Redshift Associates Ltd, 2017).


  • Business Case: Preparing a feasibility study and business case for the creation of a new building-based day opportunities facility to address identified gaps in health and social care provision for young people aged 19 with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (with PMLD Parent-Carers Group, 2017).


  • European Transport Innovation Programme: Responsible for coordinating the preparation of THE ISSUE’s pioneering and state-of-the-art European Transport and Urban Mobility Innovation Programme (2015-2020) to harness newly-emerging ICT and satellite-related technologies and develop innovative economy-driving, environmentally sensitive, transport and urban mobility solutions for cities and regions across Europe (for Leicester City Council/European Commission/THE ISSUE Consortium, 2015).


  • Tourism Strategy and Action Plan: Responsible for writing and publishing Leicester City Council’s Tourism Strategy and Action Plan (2015-2020) to guide the delivery of a coherent and coordinated programme of action to improve visitor experience and accessibility within the City, stimulate sustainable economic growth and create additional jobs (for Leicester City Council, 2015).


  • Economic Action Plan: Responsible for writing and publishing Leicester City Council’s Economic Action Plan (2012-2020) to drive investment and sustainable economic growth in businesses, jobs, training, tourism, transport, heritage, culture and the environment in the City of Leicester (for Leicester City Council, 2012).


  • Employment Land Investment Strategy and Action Programme: Providing strategic leadership and coordinating the preparation of a Sub-Regional Employment Land Investment Strategy and Action Programme for Leicester and Leicestershire, which was embedded in the Leicester & Leicestershire Multi Area Agreement (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd, 2006-2011).


  • Workspace Strategy and Action Plan: Co-author of the Leicester & Leicestershire Sub-Regional Workspace Strategy and responsible for the development and implementation of the Leicester & Leicestershire Public Sector Workspace Intervention and Investment Programme for the development of new industrial and commercial property in Leicester and Leicestershire (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd, 2006-2011).


  • Strategic Approach to Employment Land Planning: Responsible for leading the development and adoption of an innovative and coordinated approach to employment land planning to resolve identified employment land and workspace shortages in Leicester and Leicestershire (on behalf of Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd/Prospect Leicestershire Ltd, 2005-2011), including:


  • Engaging and securing agreement from all local planning authorities in Leicester & Leicestershire to adopt and implement a strategic coordinated cross-boundary approach to employment land policy and the allocation of new employment land within their respective local development frameworks.


  • Successfully defending this strategic cross-boundary approach at Independent Examinations in Public of Core Strategy Submissions for Leicester City Council and Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council.


  • Leading a coordinated approach to the preparation of district and sub-regional employment land studies to ensure a consistent and complementary approach to employment land planning across Leicester & Leicestershire.


  • Securing substantial regional funding to establish a strategic sub-regional public sector investment programme to tackle identified employment land and workspace shortages.


  • Economic Development Strategy: Responsible for writing and publishing the “Economic Development Strategy for Leicester & Leicestershire (2011 to 2030)” on behalf of the Leicestershire Business Council. Included managing a high profile public consultation programme. This strategy document was a key input into Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership’s founding Strategic Economic Plan (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Leicestershire Business Council, 2011).


  • Strategy for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Responsible for writing and publishing “Inspire Leicestershire – the Leicester & Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan for London 2012”, that set out a cross-boundary programme of action in Leicester & Leicestershire to maximise the business, economic, sporting, cultural, health & well-being and community benefits for the sub-region in the period leading up to, during and beyond London 2012 Games (on behalf of Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd/Inspire Leicestershire 2012 Partnership/Leicestershire County Council, 2010).


  • Local Infrastructure Investment Plan: Responsible for co-authoring and coordinating the preparation of the “Leicester & Leicestershire Local Infrastructure Investment Plan: ‘Building Our Local Future’ (2011-2020)”, setting out a priority programme of strategic public and private investment in infrastructure to support growth in jobs, housing and communities (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Leicester and Leicestershire Multi-Area Agreement Partnership Board, 2010).


  • Feasibility Study: Responsible for undertaking a feasibility study to assess the potential to develop a single service approach to the management of all local authority industrial and commercial land and property assets across Leicester and Leicestershire, including the development of a single asset management strategy and a joint operations management service to reduce costs, enhance capital values, maximise revenue incomes and leverage additional investment (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Total Capital and Asset Pathfinder Programme/Leicester & Leicestershire Total Place Public Service Board, 2011).


  • Local Authority Industrial Properties Trading Account Review: Undertaking the role of ‘Critical Friend’ on Leicestershire County Council’s Industrial Properties Trading Account Review (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Leicestershire County Council, 2010-2011).


  • Three Universities Strategic Coordination Project: Responsible for initiating, enabling and coordinating a collaborative approach between Leicestershire’s three universities, local industry and the public sector to increase the uptake of innovative technologies within public sector services and operations relating to sustainable transport and air quality, as well as stimulate enterprise growth and graduate entrepreneurship within the universities (on behalf of Prospect Leicestershire Ltd/Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd, 2008-2011).


  • Economic Strategy: Supporting the preparation of and co-author of the LSEP’s “Leicestershire 2020 Economic Strategy” (Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd, 2008).


  • Public Sector Relocation Project: Responsibility for initiating and leading a coordinated sub-regional partnership response to the Lyons Review (2004), to secure the relocation of civil service functions from London to Leicester & Leicestershire (on behalf of Leicester Shire Economic Partnership Ltd, 2008).


  • Town Centre and Market Town Health Checks, Strategies and Action Plans: Project lead for the preparation of town centre and market town health checks, strategies and action plans for Coalville and Ashby-de-la-Zouch in Leicestershire. Including managing high profile public consultation programmes (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 2002-2004).


  • Cross-Regional Tourism and Regeneration Strategy: Responsible for initiating and leading the preparation of an innovative Cross-Regional Tourism and Regeneration Strategy for the National Forest (2004-2009), covering all the local authority areas within the National Forest in Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire (for North West Leicestershire District Council/National Forest Company, 2004).


  • Coalfields Regeneration Strategy Review: Responsible for reviewing and updating the “Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Strategy (2000)” (for Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfields Regeneration Partnership, 2000).


  • Regeneration Strategy and Annual Reviews: Responsible for writing and delivering North West Leicestershire District Council’s Long Term Regeneration Strategy (1994 to 2004), together with undertaking annual reviews, to address the impact of the closure of the area’s deep coal mines on the economic, environmental and social health of North West Leicestershire, its communities and businesses (for North West Leicestershire District Council, 1994-2004).


  • Sustainable Tourism Development Plan: Supporting the preparation and writing of the UNDP-funded Comprehensive Tourism Development Plan for Bali, Indonesia (1992-2002). Responsible for preparing and evaluating integrated sectoral and spatial analyses and plans for the environment, water supply, sanitation, solid waste and transportation for designated tourist areas in Bali, Indonesia (on behalf of United Nations Development Programme, 1992).


  • Tourism Development Planning: Responsible for providing technical planning and economic development support to the Bali Provincial Planning Unit, including the development and evaluation of regional, urban and sectoral tourism development plans and projects, policy formulation and control of tourism development in Bali, Indonesia (for Provincial Planning Unit, Bali and the Department of Public Works, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1990-1992).


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.

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