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“Given one hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes finding the solution.”


Albert Einstein

Most projects originate from a desire to take action to deliver some form of change that will address a particular problem, need, opportunity or challenge. Many clients have a good idea about what they want to do and why they want to do it but do not always have sufficient evidence to demonstrate the need for change.


It has been said many times that “before we can take action to bring about change, we need to know exactly what the problem is and why change is needed, which requires we put a good amount of thinking and resources into understanding it.“ Developing a better understanding of the reasons behind the need for change will help manage change more effectively.

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Understanding the Need for Change


One of the first steps in the process of bringing about change is to have a good understanding of the nature, cause and scope of the problem, need, opportunity or challenge seeking to be addressed. Building a robust evidence base will help demonstrate the need for change exists. It will also help provide a better understanding of the nature of the change required as well as the type of solutions that may be appropriate. It will help define and communicate the need for change to partners and key stakeholders. It will also help put together clear goals and a strong rationale for intervention and build a consensus on strategic direction. All of these factors will help move the decision making process forward and help inform some of the subsequent stages of the change process, including policy and strategy development, finding solutions and securing resources and commitment to action.


The effort required in building an evidence base will vary depending on the nature of the need and the size and scope of the project. Invariably, most projects require some time undertaking research. For larger projects, there will be a need to understand more about the local, regional or national context and the linkages between those and the project in question.  Once a better understanding has been gained of the need for change, it is then possible to move on to determining what difference people want to make and how to go about doing it.


How We Can Help You: Research, Analysis and Consultation


We are experienced in undertaking a range of research, analysis and consultation exercises to build a robust evidence-base that will enable clients to manage the process of change more effectively. We have a demonstrable capacity for translating detailed analysis into actionable insights to provide strategic direction, a strong rationale for intervention, inform policy development, strategy preparation and building a case to secure funding and partner commitment to action.


We are well suited to supporting those seeking to gain a better understanding of the need for change and greater insight into the nature and scope of the underlying problem. We are also able to demonstrate a strong rationale for change and communicate the identified need to key partners, stakeholders and potential beneficiaries.


One of our key strengths, borne out of many years working in the public sector, is our ability to interpret and communicate complex written, statistical and technical information and prepare and present complex/sensitive reports to a wide ranging set of stakeholders; ensuring that this information addresses the key areas in which decisions need to be made and is communicated in a way that is appropriate and accessible to the audience with a high awareness of political sensitivities.  


We frequently work in collaboration with small innovation-led businesses to facilitate proof of concept tests and demonstration trials, working in partnership with the public sector to establish technical and commercial feasibility of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services for use by the public sector. We have a proven ability to manage teams of technical experts and to synthesise, analyse and present technical evidence and advice. One of our key strengths, borne out of many years working in the public sector, is our understanding of how to present technical evidence and information to the public sector and local community groups in a clear, concise and coherent manner so that it is easily understood by the client, its partners, key stakeholders and intended beneficiaries.












































Our Services


For those seeking to gain a better understanding of the need for change and the nature and scope of the underlying problem, as well as demonstrate a strong demand and rationale for change, we offer the following services:


  • Conducting primary research: including original research designed to meet the unique and specific needs of each project (undertaking surveys, questionnaires, observations, focus groups and interviews either face-to-face, telephone, on-line or in small groups).


  • Conducting secondary research: including the analysis and interpretation of primary research undertaken by others and applying the results to each specific project (data and reports from third parties for other purposes that is publically available).


  • Engaging and consulting with partners, key stakeholders, local communities, the specific target audience and other potential beneficiaries, through:


  • Organising public exhibitions, community planning workshops, open days;


  • Conducting face-to-face interviews, surveys (on-line, telephone or post);


  • Holding one-to-one meetings and group workshops;


  • Networking and informal chats.


  • Managing teams of technical experts and facilitating public sector development partnerships to implement proof of concept and demonstration trials to provide evidence of technical and commercial feasibility of innovative new technology-enabled tools and services for use by the public sector.


Get in Touch


If you are interested in finding out more about how Pentuple Consulting may be able to help you, contact us today.





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